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건강한 교회에서의 목회자와 평신도 : 새신자 양육 방안을 중심으로

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최종 저작일
34페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 6,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 개혁주의교회성장학회 수록지정보 : 개혁주의교회성장
저자명 : 신화철


Ⅰ. 건강한 교회에서의 목회자와 평신도
1. 평신도를 세우는 목회자
2. 사역자로서의 평신도
3. 목회자와 평신도의 관계
Ⅱ. 평신도 사역자에 대한 이해
1. 평신도 사역자의 의미
2. 평신도 사역의 성경적 모델

Ⅲ. 건강한 교회에서의 새신자 양육방안
1. 평신도 사역자의 새신자 양육
2. 새신자 양육의 이해
3. 새신자 양육방안


한국어 초록

지금 한국교회는 건강한 교회에 관심이 많다. 21세기 목회의 화두는 단연코 ‘건강한 교회’라 해도 과언이 아니다. 하지만 안타깝게도 현대의 많은 목회자들은 과중한 업무로 지쳐 있다. 성도들의 다양한 요구에 대하여 목회자 한 사람의 힘으로 감당하기에는 그 필요와 문제가 너무도 복잡하고 다양함에도 불구하고 목회자 홀로 고립된 존재가 되어 사역을 감당하고 있는 실정이다. 이는 일찍이 모세가 직면했던 상황과 매우 흡사하다(출 18:13-18).

영어 초록

At the present day, Korea church has much interest on healthy church. It is within bounds to say that question of ministry is far and away 'healthy church' in the twenty-first century. But unfortunately, a number of ministers are exhausted because of heavy duties. It is the actual circumstance that for various demands of the holy citizenry, although their requirement and problem are too complicated for one minister to be equal to the task, ministers should copes with service with him isolated alone. It is similar to condition which Moses was in the face of formerly(Ex 18:13-18). Now, Korea church stands on a forked road to grope its future toward true growth by gaining new vitality through service of ability again. If it is so, and if there are function and duties of church that can the most dynamically cope with environment of modern pastorate in the twenty-first century, what is it?. Fortunately, recently, position and role of lays, and importance of works of service have been emphasized in Korea church day by day. This research has its purpose to understand lay-ministers by examining functional role of ministers and lays, and finally accomplish healthy church by suggesting nourishment method of new Christians.
In heathy church, ministers and lays are partner of service, and they are not discriminated as people of the Lord. But they are functionally divided with each other(Eph 4:11-12). Functional role of minister for lay is to make them do works of service by fully training, arming them, and having them prepare. By doing this, lay-ministers do their own work rather than help duties of minister or take charge of a part of duties of him. Work of service to build up church of Jesus is not work of service for only minister but work of service that he should do with lays (all the holy citizenry).
In healthy church, what I suggest as nourishment method of new Christians is to do works of service that ministers and lays become the subject of their own duties(functional role). In here, minister is trainer of lays and lay is service person. Minister grants proper motive to lay-minister according to nourishment method of new Christians, and trains lays for all sorts of matters needed for nourishment. lay-minister trained like this becomes the subject of nourishment. lay-minister should be continuously and thoroughly trained for spirituality training and training of works of service by having regular meeting with minister every week to more effectively cope with mission of nourishment of new Christians which he or she takes charge of. In this meeting, minister should continuously grant motive to lay-minister, and manage and check their spirituality. It is because success or failure of nourishment of new Christians is never unrelated to spirituality of lay-minister.
This nourishment method of new Christians will apply functional roles of minister and lay for nourishment of new Christians, and satisfy environmental demand of ministry in twenty-first century that sincerely demands lay-minister. And it is never unrelated to the word of II Timothy 2:2 to reproduce spiritual children. If church progresses nourishment of new Christians according to this method, works of service will be revitalized more and more, and church is full of vitality by care and concern between new Christians and existing believer as well as leadership of minister for lays is developed.

참고 자료



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건강한 교회에서의 목회자와 평신도 : 새신자 양육 방안을 중심으로
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