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부품 및 유닛 DB를 이용한 유닛 모듈라 주택의 설계자동화 연구

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9페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국주거학회 수록지정보 : 한국주거학회논문집 / 17권 / 3호
저자명 : 임석호, 김수암, 황은경


I. 서 론
II. 한국 공업화 주택의 현황
III. 유닛 하우스의 설계제안
IV. 설계원형 (Prototype)의 개발
V. 설계 S/W를 위한 유닛간의 결합 원칙
VI. 설계 S/W를 위한 유닛 배치원칙
VII. 설계 S/W를 위한 평면 구성 원칙
VIII. 부품 DB/유닛(공간)DB 시스템의 구성
IX. 설계자동화에 의한 수요자 요구 대응 평면개발
X. 결 론(향후의 연구방향)

한국어 초록

Precast concrete apartments were main stream of domestic industrialized housing around 90's , and Steel Houses applying Steel Stud technique with light weighted steel have been dominant portion since 1995. On the other hand, various building techniques including Steel Stud method and highly prefabricated and industrialized Unit method are prevailing in developed countries like Japan. Steel stud and unit box have their own merits and demerits, but the more crucial aspect is that the constant design standard should be applied in each design procedure. It entails the necessity of industrial housing development on the open system basis. In this study, the design standard for unit house will be established coping with the established preparing standard for design specifications defined by architectural law and promotion law of housing construction. That is for design standard of industrialized private housing on the open system basis. This study attempts to propose the design automation, with the method of unit construction of which the rate of pre-fabrication is the biggest, that can cope with the demand of user on the basis of open-system. Ticky-tacky is the biggest technical problem in suppling industrialization housing. Therefore, we will suggest a basic plan for design automation of unit modular housing which can raise the productivity of industrialization housing by applying open system, utilized by DB of component and unit, and solve the problem concerned about ticky-tacky. Keywords : Unit house, Industrial Housing, Design Criteria, Modular Coordination, Open System주 요 어 : 유닛하우스, 공업화 주택, 설계기준, 모듈정합, 오픈시스템

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부품 및 유닛 DB를 이용한 유닛 모듈라 주택의 설계자동화 연구
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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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