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초등학교 교사의 스포츠 활동 참여와 심리적 안녕감의 관계

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17페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,600원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국초등체육학회 수록지정보 : 한국초등체육학회지 / 11권 / 2호
저자명 : 조영제, 김동천



한국어 초록

영어 초록

This study aims at the perception of importance of sports activity partivipation while identifying the sports partivipaation and psychological well-being of elementary school teacher's and provision of basic data that can contribute to the improvement of quality in life of the teachers

This study did random sampling of 400 people as for the survey targets, considering the local environment in which the schools are located, gender, age mainly of the teachers who are teaching in the elementary schools of Pyungtaek, Kyunggi.
As for the data collecting too, this study selected 46 questions in total which include 6 dimensions of autonomy, whether they participate in sports, gender, age and partivipation degree of elementary school teachers who partivipate in sports activity, partivipation typeand psychological well-being. As for the reliability test result, Cronvach' coefficient showed comparatively high by .55~.80, and the total reliability showed high by .92. Also, the validity was judged high by the pre-study.
This study recollected the response results about the filled questionnaires composed appropriately to study the purpose and variances. It excluded the data that were the responses judged as infirm or unreliable, and it individually inputted 339 sheets that are analyzable. While utilizing SPSS WIN ver 12.0 program, it computerized according to the purpose of data analysis and the applied statistice techniques to analyze the collected data were t-test, one-way ANOVA, and correlation analysis results are as follow.
First, the psychological well-being had significant differences in elementary school teachers according to their partivipation in sports activities. The teacher who partivipated in sports activities showed to be high significantly in autonomy, controlment toward the environment, perception level about the growth of the person.
Second, thre were significant differences according to the gender, age, frequency, and sports participation type of the elementary school teachers who partivipate in sports activities. As for the perception level of the self-acceptance according to the gender, male teachers showed higher higure, and the cutonomy perception level according to the age showed higher in teachers over their 40s, and as for the personal growth perception level and the positive interpersonal relations perception level, teachers in their 20s showed the highest figure. As for the autonomy perception level according to the frequency, teahcers in their 20s showed the highest. The autonomy perception level according to the frequency was high by over 6 times a week, and self- acceptance perception level was high by 4-5 times a week. And as for the positive interpersonal relations perception level according to the sports participation type, the teachers who partivipated in psychological(hobby) activity groups, and as for the self- acceptance perception level, the teachers who participated in indirect confrontation activity group were significaltly higher than the teachers of other type activity group.
Third, the sports activity partivipation of elementary school teacher's and psychological well-being had correlations.In the sports partivipation degree, the sports partivipation period had positive correlations with autonomy, and the sports partivipation frequency had positie correlations with the purpose of life and self-acceptance, Also , the sports partivipation time had positive correlations with positive interpersonal relations and self- acceptance.

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