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Stacked ABR의 측정변수 : 전극부착위치

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9페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국청각언어재활학회 수록지정보 : 청능재활 / 2권 / 2호
저자명 : 김진숙, 임채봉



한국어 초록

청신경 종양은 대부분 양성종양으로 청신경과 그 주변에 서 느리게 자라 점차적으로 두개골 내의 종양으로 삶을 위협한다. 일반적으로 난청, 이명, 어지러움증 또는 불균형감을 유발하게 되지만, 청신경 종양을 가진 환자의 30.4%가 정상청력이기에 전통적인 청각기준으로 작은 종양을 찾기에
는 무리가 있다.10) 따라서 종양의 규모가 커지기 전에 빠른 진단과 더불어 효과적으로 낮은 진단 비용 검사가 시도되어야 한다.
청성뇌간반응(auditory brainstem response, ABR)은 청신경 종양을 초기에 평가하는 중요 방법 중 하나이다. 연구자들은 청신경 종양의 약 95~98% 정도가 ABR로 감지될

영어 초록

To overcome the failure of standard ABRs to detect small tumors, the stacked ABR measure was recently developed. The stacked ABR is an amplitude measure which reflect the neural fiber activity from all frequency regions of the cochlea utilizing derived-band ABRs with high pass noise (HPN) masking procedures. As the stacked ABR is in the beginning stage, variable experiments should be followed to reduce several limitations for the clinical applications. This research introduces the domestic data of stacked ABR in Korea for the first time. The purpose can be defined as identifying an appropriate clinical parameters through analyzing different electrode locations. Normal Korean 20 adults, 10 females and 10 males, aged 20 to 29 participated in this study. Stacked ABRs were tested at the levels of click alone, click+8 kHz HPN, click+4 kHz HPN, click+2 kHz HPN, click+1 kHz HPN, click+0.5 kHz HPN, respectively,
at the stimuli level at 60 dBnHL. Electrode montage was examined in two locations, mastoid and earlobe. The results did not show statistical significance in the averages of Fsp, noise, sweep and artifact according to the locations of electrodes except partial conditions
of noise and sweeps. Noise were significaltly higher at mastoids than earlobes with the conditions of click+8 kHz HPN, click+4 kHz HPN and click+2 kHz HPN and sweeps were significaltly higher at mastoids than earlobes with the conditions of click+0.5 kHz HPN
only. Additionally, Korean adults’ average amplitudes were higher than the suggested normal values. Conclusively, the appropriate clinical location seemed to be mastoids, although noise and PAM phenomenon seemed a little alleviated at earlobes. The clinical efficacy
will be improved if the appropriate measurement conditions and stimuli levels were examined.

KEY WORDS:Electrode montage·Stacked ABR·Derived band ABR

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Stacked ABR의 측정변수 : 전극부착위치
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  • 레이어 팝업
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