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초등여교사의 스포츠활동 참여가 신체적 자기개념과 심리적 안녕감에 미치는 영향

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최종 저작일
15페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,400원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국초등체육학회 수록지정보 : 한국초등체육학회지 / 12권 / 1호
저자명 : 문규진, 문선영


Ⅲ.결과 및 고찰


한국어 초록

영어 초록

the purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of partivipation in sports for female teachers in elementary school. The subjects of this study were 191 female teachers at the 26 elementary schools in B city partivipating in sports more than a year regularly.
The used instrumnets were physical self-description questionnaire of Kim, Byung Joon(2001) and psychological well-being scale of ryff&Keyese(1955) , and one-way ANOVA was performed in order to analyze the differences among the groups in terms of age and a period of time they have sorked out. After that, Tukey HSD was performed to verity and multiple correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed to analyze the relations between physical self- description and psychological well-beign.
After taking statistics on the data, the following ocnclusions ere madeL
1) With physical self-description, it showed that the group of 20-30s is higher than the group of 40-50s for their appearance and general physical concept and that the long-term group is higher than the short-term group for their sports competence, health and the concept of physical activity.
2) With psychological well-being the long-term group of 20-30s is higher than the group of 40-50s for the perceptive level of personal growth.
3. With the relations between physical self-description and psychologial well-being, the factor of self- esteem has a significant correlation with the six sub-factors of psychological well-being in the long-term group of 20-30s, and the long-term group has higher significance level than the short- term group wiht the weveral ractors of physical self- description incluing self- eateem and general physical factor and the factors of psychological well-being.
4) Physical self- description in terms of age and a period of time they have worked out has an effect on psychological sell-being as following :
(1) In every group but the short -term group of 40-50s , self -esteem and general physical factor have a positive effect on the self - acceptance of psychological well-being.
(2) In every group but the short-term group or 40-50s, the self-esteem of physical self-description has a positive effect on the felation of psychological well -being .
(3)In every group but the short -term group of 40-50s , the appearance of physical self-description has a positive effect on the purpose in life of psychological well-being.
(4)In every group but the short -term group of 20-30s, general physical factor has a positive effect on the environmental mastery of psychological well-being.

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