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어음청력검사용 한국어 단음절 어음표 조사

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10페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국청각언어재활학회 수록지정보 : 청능재활 / 3권 / 1호
저자명 : 홍하나, 김진숙



한국어 초록

어음재인도 검사는 듣기에 가장 적절한 강도로 단음절어를 제시하였을 때 정확히 확인하는 능력을 측정하는 것으로 의사소통 장애의 정도, 보청기의 적응 및 선택, 언어치료 계획, 병변의 부위 등에 필요한 정보를 제공한다. 각각 50개의 음성학적으로 균형을 이룬 단음절(phonetically balanced
monosyllabic word;PB word)로 구성된 어음표들은 1) 어음표간 평균난이도 균형(equal average difficulty among word lists), 2) 어음표간 난이도 범위의 균형(equal range of difficulty among word lists), 3) 어음표간 음소구성의 균형(equal phonetic composition among lists), 4) 표준어의 대표성(a composition representative of English speech) 및 5) 구성단어의 상용성(words
in common usage)을 고려하여 개발된다.22) 영어권에서는

영어 초록

Word recognition test presented at the most comfortable loudness level can provide necessary information for diagnosing the degree of communication disability, prescribing hearing instruments and rehabilitation, planning speech therapy, and locating the site of lesion. In this study, we analyzed the 11 word lists that were developed and utilized clinically in Korea in terms of the frequency of phonemes, familiarity, properness. Although there were differences among list, compared with the routine conversational frequency the followings were found. The initial consonants and the vowels seem to included excessively with‘ᆨ’,‘ᆸ’,‘ᄉ’,‘ᄋ’ and
‘ᅡ’ and‘ᅩ’, respectively. The final consonants seem to be included excessively with‘ᆨ’,‘ᆮ’,‘ᆸ’ and the ratio of words without the final consonants were much lower. Generally, the familiarity of the 11 word lists were fair since approximately 84 % of words were rated with fist and second in commonly used words. However, meaningless words were appeared among lists which can lead into hard listening situation with misunderstanding of the words for the tests. Also, negative and unpleasant words were found among lists. Conclusively, all these factors should considered the development of the new standardized word lists in Korea.

KEY WORDS:Word recognition test·Frequency of phonemes·Familiarity·Properness.

참고 자료



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