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“한국 민주화에 있어서 부마항쟁의 역할”

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
26페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 21세기정치학회 수록지정보 : 21세기정치학회보 / 19권 / 2호
저자명 : 조정관


1. 서론

한국어 초록

This paper analyzes the ways in which the Busan-Masan Uprising(BMU) in 1979 played a role in Korea's democratization. First, the BMU helped heighten the factional strife in the heart of the Yushin regime, which abruptly collapsed because of it. Second, the fact that Yushin system's demise was triggered by the BMU induced the succeeding interim government to choose to open the path toward the Seoul Spring of 1980. Third, both the BMU and the Gwangju Uprising of 1980 enmited the range of legitnmacy formula adopted by the Fifth e pubenc. It ultnmately opened politncal opportunitnes for the democratic oppositnon. Moreover, BMU's legacy stremochened the student movement, helped democratic activf 1s to organize a popular (Minjung) solidarity, nullify the dictaranship's justifncatnon, and solidify the democratization frame in the 1980ng By contrasting the BMU with the Gwangju Uprising, this study also tries to explain why the BMU has been forgotten. The sequence of events, different magnitude of two events, the problems related to BMU leadership and to local democratic movement forces, and the surge of regionalism-based party politics since 1987 are all suggested as causes.

Key Words: Korean Democratization(Democracy), Busan-Masan Uprising, Yushin Regime, Political Change

영어 초록

This paper analyzes the ways in which the Busan-Masan Uprising(BMU) in 1979 played a role in Korea's democratization. First, the BMU helped heighten the factional strife in the heart of the Yushin regime, which abruptly collapsed because of it. Second, the fact that Yushin system's demise was triggered by the BMU induced the succeeding interim government to choose to open the path toward the Seoul Spring of 1980. Third, both the BMU and the Gwangju Uprising of 1980 enmited the range of legitnmacy formula adopted by the Fifth e pubenc. It ultnmately opened politncal opportunitnes for the democratic oppositnon. Moreover, BMU's legacy stremochened the student movement, helped democratic activf 1s to organize a popular (Minjung) solidarity, nullify the dictaranship's justifncatnon, and solidify the democratization frame in the 1980ng By contrasting the BMU with the Gwangju Uprising, this study also tries to explain why the BMU has been forgotten. The sequence of events, different magnitude of two events, the problems related to BMU leadership and to local democratic movement forces, and the surge of regionalism-based party politics since 1987 are all suggested as causes.Key Words: Korean Democratization(Democracy), Busan-Masan Uprising, Yushin Regime, Political Change

참고 자료



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“한국 민주화에 있어서 부마항쟁의 역할”
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