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대학 집합수업과 통합된 웹기반 온라인수업 학습자의 인식 및 학습유형 분석

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,600원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육공학회 수록지정보 : 교육공학연구 / 15권 / 1호
저자명 : 이인숙


I.서 론
II.연구 방법
III.연구 결과
IV.논 의
V.결론 및 제언
참 고 문 헌

한국어 초록

본 연구는 집합수업과 통합되어 운영되는 웹기반 온라인수업에 대한 학습자의 인식과 온라인 학습유형에 대한 분석을 통해 온라인수업운영의 질 관리를 위한 시사점을 도출하고자 하였다. 그 결과, 소수의 부적응자들에 대한 별도 관리, 피드백과 ‘즉각적인’반응 기대에 대한 적극적인 대응, 인지적인 부담의 최소화를 위한 구체적인 전략, 온라인수업을 진지하게 받아들이게 하기 위한 전략, 정보나 과제물 공유를 통한 학습 기회의 적극적 활성화, 학습자 토론의 활성화를 위한 구체적 전략, 학습자들의 문제해결 노력 활성화를 위한 구체적 전략, 각 교과 학습활동시간의 재조정 등의 필요성이 논의되었다.

영어 초록

The 'integrated- mode' of online instruction has been expanded in universities in Korea. Those universities intend to improve a classroom instruction by overcoming physical restraints and providing more interactions and information access as well. So far, however, few unders tand that the 'integrated- mode' would work very differently in various dimensions from the 'cyber- mode'. Online instruction heavily relies on learner- regulated learning Regarding this, unders tanding learners' perceptions of online instruction and further their online learning styles may provide significant information to define instructional strategies which well correspond with learners' needs and characteristics.The purpose of this research is to find out the answers about the following two research questions and further the implications for better instructional strategies from the findings : First, how do learners perceive a web- based learning environment as integrated with traditional classroom courses? Second, what are the learning styles those learners usually perform in this learning environment?One- hundred fifty- six students at one university in Seoul, Korea were surveyed right after the semester was over. They include nighty- eight who were in 'Educational Methods and Technology', twenty- seven in 'Instruction and Learning Theory', and forty- two in 'Multimedia Education'. The current research is based on a web- based online tool integrated with a traditional classroom instruction, which is called Univer Campus.The results show that a lot of learners appeared to turn around to develop their positive perceptions and, furthermore, realize the usefulness and convenience of a web- based online instruction. Majority overcame it in a short time of period and, as compared to a traditional classroom instruction, learners perceived an online environment provides no less chance for access to instructors. Learners basically perceived online environment more demanding than a traditional one. The current research found out that learners relatively feel comfortable with sharing their own thoughts and information with others.In addition, the current research identifies the most common several learning styles of online learners. Only minority have regular online participation habits. Most learners, however, appeared to perceive online instruction at least as seriously as classroom instruction. Many learners were uncomfortable with expressing their ideas in online environment. In the meantime, learners tended to get help primarily from co- learners.The findings of this study, taken together, imply various instructional strategies for better online instruction. First, a few laggards' pains buried under the majority, who well adjust oneself to a new learning environment, should be recognized and resolved.Second, it is one of the most significant instructional strategies to es tablish the feedback system satisfying learners' high expectation and concurrently avoiding instructors' working load. Fourth, deliberate strategies which could lead learners to perceive online instruction seriously might be necessary. Fifth, it is des irable and yet easy to implement various instructional strategies, which demand learning through sharing information and learning outcome. In the meanwhile, deleberate and special strategies are strongly demanded in order to induce active discussion and interactions among learners. Sixth, especially if multiple online activities are concurrently operated, various supporting strategies should be considered in order to ensure learners' convenient participation.

참고 자료



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대학 집합수업과 통합된 웹기반 온라인수업  학습자의 인식 및 학습유형 분석
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