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국어과 교육과정과 한국어과 교육과정의 비교와 대조

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
36페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 6,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국초등국어교육학회 수록지정보 : 한국초등국어교육
저자명 : 김명광


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 교육과정 항목 별 비교와 대조
1) 교육 목적
2) 학습자
3) 교육 기관
4) 교과목
5) 수업 기간
6) 등급
Ⅲ. 결론

한국어 초록

이 글은 국어과 교육과정과 한국어 교육과정을 한국어 교육과정의 상호 비교와 대조를 통하여 이들 간의 공통점과 차이점을 밝힌다. 국어과 교육과정과 한국어 교육과정은 그 가르치는 소재가 ‘한국어’이며, 상위 교육과정 구축 개발 과정을 따른다는 점에서는 공통적이다. 하지만 국어과 교육과정이 한국인을 주된 대상으로 가르치기 때문에 교육 목적, 학습자, 교육 기관, 교과목, 수업 시수, 등급이 비교적 균질적이면서, 예측 가능한 반면, 한국어 교육과정은 개별적인 교육 환경으로 인하여, 이러한 항목들이 다양하게 분화한다.

영어 초록

This study aims at comparing and contrasting between KLCK and KLCF. The common things between KLCK and KLCF are the subject, that is, Korean and the developing procedure they follow. But these are very different as the aspect of aims, learner, education organization, subjects, time, level, etc.
The aims of KLCK are on the focus of knowledge, accuracy, ability of usage, creative expression, critical understanding on Korean materials, and attitude for developing Korean and culture. The aims of KLCF are on the focus of knowledge, accuracy, fluency, function of language, understanding and using culture background, communication between their culture and our one.
The leaners of KLCK are Korean and the emigrants who follow the curriculum of Korean, but one of KLCF are the foreigners and emigrants who follow the curriculum of emigrant country. the foreign learners are divided into some ones, that is, emigrants, parents and their siblings who live in korea, the parents who is the member of Korean and foreigner, foreign worker who live in and abroad, preliminary student who want to enter Korean universities, the student who are in Korean Univ. abroad and junior and high school students who learn Korean as second language.
The education organizations of KLCK are regular school which is under the control of the Ministry of Education and Human resources of the Republic of Korea. The ones of KLCF are various such as foreign government organization, foreign Univ. foreign elementary, middle, high schools, The sixth is center for foreign workers in Korea, Korean education center in Korea, Language training center in Korea, Korean Univ, etc.
The subjects of KLCK are Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing, grammar, and literature. but ones of KLCF are Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing. grammar, and culture which are divided into Korean politics, economics, social, literatures etc.
The education time of KLCK is 210-238 time - 15 weeks - 12 school years - 2 or 4 univ. years. but The ones of KLCF are 20-15 weeks(Internal education organization), 75-120 hours(foreign government organizations), 2-4 years(Universities), 120 credit(Korean educator centers), 2hours- 16weeks-2 semester(the center of foreign workers) The curriculum system of KLCK are Content-oriented curriculum, but ones of KLCF are both content-oriented curriculum and level-oriented curriculum.
【Key words】Aim, Learner, Education organization, subject, education period, level, content-oriented curriculum, level-oriented curriculum.

참고 자료



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