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TA집단상담프로그램이 전문계고등학생들의 자아존중감과 의사소통 방식에 미치는 영향

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최종 저작일
15페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,400원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국동서정신과학회 수록지정보 : 한국동서정신과학회지 / 11권 / 1호
저자명 : 김영임, 이윤주


연구 방법
연구 결과
논 의

한국어 초록

본 연구는 전문계고등학생들의 낮은 자아존중감을 증진하고 공격적인 의사소통방식을 개선하여 효과적인 의사소통 기술을 습득
하도록 돕기 위한 TA집단상담프로그램을 개발하고 그 효과를 검증하기 위한 목적으로 실시되었다. 위의 연구 가설을 검증하기
위하여 본 연구자가 재직하고 있는 전문계고등학교 학생들 중 프로그램에 참여하기를 희망하는 46명의 학생들에게 자아존중감
검사와 의사소통능력 검사를 실시하였다. 사전검사에 사용된 자아존중감 검사도구로는 Rosenberg(1965)가 개발한 도구를 전
병제(1974)가 번안한 것을, 의사소통 능력을 위한 검사도구로는 Navran(1996)이 부부의사소통 검사를 위해 개발한
PCI(Primary Communication Inventory)의 내용을 모의회(2001)가 번안하여 사용한 것을 본 연구의 대상인 고등학생들에
게 알맞게 수정하여 만든 검사지를 사용하였다. 그 결과 의사소통 능력과 자아존중감 두 변인 모두가 낮거나 혹은 둘 중 어느
한 변인이라도 낮은 학생에 한해 24명을 선별하였으며, 그들을 실험집단에 12명, 통제집단에 12명을 무선 배치하였다. 실험집단
에게 제공한 TA 집단상담 프로그램은 제석봉․석창훈(2006)의 [청소년 심리와 TA 상담]의 제 3부 청소년 웰빙을 위한 TA
집단상담 프로그램을 바탕으로, TA의 각종 문헌연구와, 그 외 TA집단프로그램 연구논문 다수를 검토하고 분석하여 본 연구자가
새롭게 구성하고 제작하였다. 제작된 프로그램은 TA전문가 1인, 1급 상담전문가 1인, 현장교육전문가 2인에게 3회 자문을 통해
수정 보완되었다. 최종적으로 본 프로그램은 각 회기당 120분 단위로 총 8회기로 구성하여 실시하였고, 프로그램을 종료한 직후
에 사전검사에 사용된 동일한 자아존중감 검사지와 의사소통 능력 검사지로 두 집단 모두에게 사후검사를 실시하였다. 자료분석
방법으로는 공변량분석(ANCOVA)을 실시하여 하위요인별 효과에 대하여 분석하였으며, 양적 분석의 한계를 보완하기 위해
개별 참여자의 심리적 체험과 변화를 알아보기 위해 각 회기평가질문지의 내용을 분석하였다. 그 결과로 첫째, TA집단상담프로
그램을 실시한 결과 총 자아존중감은 사후점수에서 실험집단의 점수가 통제집단의 점수보다 높게 나타났다. 그러므로 TA집단상
담프로그램이 전문계고등학생의 자아존중감을 향상시키는데 긍정적인 효과가 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 둘째, 의사소통 능력의 사
후점수에서 실험집단의 점수가 통제집단의 점수보다 높게 나타났다. 따라서 TA집단상담프로그램이 의사소통 능력을 증진하는데
긍정적인 효과가 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 본 연구에 적용된 TA집단상담의 타당성을 검증하고 양적 분석의 한계를 보완하고 개별
참여자의 심리적 체험과 변화를 알아보기 위해 각 회기 평가질문지의 내용을 순조로움, 깊이, 긍정정서 그리고 각성도의 4차원으
로 분석하였다. 그 결과 집단상담프로그램의 전체평가에 해당하는 마지막 8회기의 점수가 네 차원 모두에서 가장 높은 것으로
나타났으며 이 결과는 본 TA집단상담프로그램이 학생들의 자아존중감과 의사소통 방식을 개선하는데 긍정적인 영향을 미친 결
과를 뒷받침하는 증거이다. 내용면에서는 스트로킹, 자아상태 분석, 교류과정 분석 순으로 점수가 높게 나타났다.

영어 초록

The aim of this thesis is to develop the TA group counseling program which can enhance the self-esteem of the students
in specialized high schools and help them to gain effective communication skills by improving their ways of aggressive
communication styles and then to verify its effects. To verify the effects of the TA program I set up hypotheses as follows.
First, the experience of the TA group counseling program will have positive effects on the self-esteem of the students in
specialized high schools. Second, the experience of the TA group counseling program will have positive effects on the ways
in which the students in specialized high schools communicate. To verify the hypotheses of this study I carried out
self-esteem and communication skill tests. The subjects were the 24 students from the ○○ specialized high school in
Uljugun, Ulsan City, who had low self-esteem and communication skills and volunteered to participate in this program.
I divided them into two random groups of 12; one is an experimental group and the other a controlling group. As a
self-esteem test tool for the pre-test I used the method developed by Rosenberg(1965) and translated by Jeon Byungje(1974).
As a communication skill test tool I used PCI, the method developed to test communication skills of couples by
Navran(1996) and translated by Mo Euihoi(2001), and modified in keeping with the high school students. In the case of
the TA Program given to the experimental group, after having checked over and analysed various literatures and papers
related to the TA program, based on the TA program for youth well-being in Chapter 3 of the book [Psychology of
Teenagers and TA Program] co-authored by Je Seokbong.Seok Changhoon (2006), I constructed and developed my own
TA program for my subjects. It has been modified and complemented through three consultations with a TA expert, a
counseling expert and two educators. I, finally, constructed this program into a total of 8 modules of 120 minutes. Soon
after having finished the program I conducted a post-test on both groups with the same self-esteem test tool and
communication skill one as the pre-test. I analysed the effects per subscale by conducting ANCOVA, which controls each
pre-test score as independent variables and makes post-test scores dependent variables. To complement the limits of the
quantitative analysis I analysed the contents of each module Session Evaluation Questionnaire, which lets us know the
psychological experiences and changes of individual participants. The results are as follows, First, the pre-test scores related
to the self-esteem tests between the experimental group and the controlled group showed meaningful differences(F=23.64,
p<.001) but when the differences were controlled the scores between both groups showed meaningful differences(F(1,21)=33.80, p<.001). The results of TA program showed that the post-test scores relating to the self esteem
of the experimental group(M=27.42) were higher than those of the controlled group(M=22.33). This shows that the TA
program has positive effects on improving the self esteem of the specialized school students. Therefore the first hypothesis
that the experience of the TA program will have positive effects on self-esteem of the specialized high school students
was supported. Secondly, the pre-test scores related to the communication skills between the experimental group and the
controlled group showed meaningful differences(F=7.84, p<.01) but when the difference was controlled the scores between
both groups showed meaningful differences(F(1,21)=33.41, p<.001). The post-test score of the experimental group(M=80.67)
was higher than that of the controlled group(M=62.92). Therefore, the second hypothesis that the TA program will have
positive effects on improving communication skills was supported. To verify the validity of the TA program applied in
this study and to complement the limits of quantitative analysis I analysed each SEQ on 4 levels; smoothness, depth,
positive-emotion and awareness-emotion. The result is that the score of the 8th module including the whole TA program
was the highest out of all of 4 levels. This supports the result that the TA program had positive effects on the self-esteem
and communication skills of the students. In the case of contents the score got higher in the order of stroking, ego-state
analysis and transactional process. This supports the prior research insisting on the improvement of students' self-esteem
through the stroke counseling method of TA. This also matches the prior research that the TA program helps students
understand their own and others' personalities and has effects on self-perception and personality improvement. The results
of this study show that the TA program has educational availabilities because it had positive effects on the self-esteem
and communication skills of the specialized high school students. The TA program met with good results for the students
with lower self-esteem and communication skills among the specialized high school students. Therefore, this study has very
high values in that it provided empirical data that the TA program is the proven program best suited to help the students
adapt to school. I'd like to give some tips for utilizing the results from this study and for succeeding research. First, the
TA program might be useful for everyone who wants mental growth and development as well as for students with
difficulties. Secondly, it is very useful and important to adjust and arrange time during the TA program. Thirdly, the efficient
and suitable methods for students need to be researched in the transactional processing modules. Finally, the program leaders
should meet the following qualifications; They should complete an introductory TA course, be open-minded, manage
activity-based programs, use various techniques suitable for each situation and in particular lead the program suitably for
cognitive levels and for the progress of the students.

참고 자료



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