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Early Childhood Care and Education Programs in Botswana: Policy (2001) Implementation

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 환태평양유아교육연구학회 수록지정보 : Asia-Pacific journal of research in early childhood education / 2권 / 1호
저자명 : Kabita Bose


ECCE Programs: Quality and Accreditation
Botswana's aspirations
ECCE Policy
Policy Review
Results and Discussions

한국어 초록

In an effort to implement the recommendations of the 1 994 Revised National Policyon Education (RNPE) (Republic of Botswana, 1994) and to fulfill the aspirations ofVision 201 6 (Republic of Botswana, 1 997), Early Childhood Care and Education(ECC&E) Policy was released in 2001 in Botswana. After five years of operation itbecame imperative to review the status of the ECCE programs in terms of adherenceto the stipulated policy requirements and maintenance of quality standards. Hence astudy funded by the Office of Research and Development (ORD), University ofBotswana (UB) was conducted in the southern part of Botswana which has thehighest concentration of various types of ECCE programs. The study was conductedin two phases the first covering the heads and teachers of the ECCE centres while thesecond phase included the ECCE Policy Stake Holders (EPSH) of Botswana. Thepresent paper concentrates on the second part covering the important EPSH who areresponsible for the implementation of the policy. In doing the research, a structuredinterview schedule was used. The data was analyzed qualitatively. The findingsshowed that there is an increased participation in child care provision, education andregistration of ECCE centres (Republic of Botswana, 2006-b); thus the existingcentres do adhere to the ECCE policy requirements to a certain extent. Howevergreater efforts are required to ensure an effective implementation of the 2001 ECCEpolicy and to raise the quality and proper delivery of ECCE programs in Botswana.

영어 초록

In an effort to implement the recommendations of the 1 994 Revised National Policy
on Education (RNPE) (Republic of Botswana, 1994) and to fulfill the aspirations of
Vision 201 6 (Republic of Botswana, 1 997), Early Childhood Care and Education
(ECC&E) Policy was released in 2001 in Botswana. After five years of operation it
became imperative to review the status of the ECCE programs in terms of adherence
to the stipulated policy requirements and maintenance of quality standards. Hence a
study funded by the Office of Research and Development (ORD), University of
Botswana (UB) was conducted in the southern part of Botswana which has the
highest concentration of various types of ECCE programs. The study was conducted
in two phases the first covering the heads and teachers of the ECCE centres while the
second phase included the ECCE Policy Stake Holders (EPSH) of Botswana. The
present paper concentrates on the second part covering the important EPSH who are
responsible for the implementation of the policy. In doing the research, a structured
interview schedule was used. The data was analyzed qualitatively. The findings
showed that there is an increased participation in child care provision, education and
registration of ECCE centres (Republic of Botswana, 2006-b); thus the existing
centres do adhere to the ECCE policy requirements to a certain extent. However
greater efforts are required to ensure an effective implementation of the 2001 ECCE
policy and to raise the quality and proper delivery of ECCE programs in Botswana.

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Early Childhood Care and Education Programs in Botswana: Policy (2001) Implementation
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