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상담의 윤리와 효율성 향상을 위한 다문화적 접근

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
23페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국다문화교육학회 수록지정보 : 다문화교육연구 / 2권 / 1호
저자명 : 김태호


1. 다문화적 접근의 의마와 필요생
11. 다문화적 상담능력
111. 논의

한국어 초록

본 논문에서는 다문화척 상담의 펼요 이유를 세 가지와 그 구체적인 내용과 방법을 소개하는데 주요 목적이 있다 다문화적 상담의 휠요 이유로는 1) 한국사회의 다문화가정과그 자녀들의 이중문화적 갈둥해결올 돕는 것, 2) 주요 상담이론과 기볍들이 한국문화에 적합하지 못하다는 관점에서 한국인의 성격특생에 적합한 상담문화률 탑색하고 발전시키는것, 3) 모든 상담을 다문화적 상당으로 보며 상담자에게 펼요한 다문화적 관점과 상담능력을 갖추기 위한 것이다. 그 상담의 필요성에 따라 각각의 구체적인 내용과 방법을 소개하고 상당의 토착화 방안에 대해서 논의하였다 그 컬과, 상당의 다문화적 판정에서 고려해본상담의 토속화란 한국척 상담이론을 의미하기보다는 서구식의 상담이 문화차이로 부적합한내당자들을 위해 적합한 상답모형을 찾는 것으로 볼 수 있으며, 서로의 문화차이를 고려하며 한국인 내담자들에게 가장 적합한 상담올 모색하는 것이 상담의 윤리와 효율성올 높이는 다문화적 접근이 될 수 있다

영어 초록

Students do not usually seek help at counseling centers because they don't expectschool counselors to be much positive psychological helpers. The students' negativeattitudes toward their school counselors are based on their view of counseling asinappropriate for their own value and life styles. Korean counseling approaches havebeen developed succeedingly in order to overcorne inappropriate cultural boundedcounseling seπices. However, a genuine issue associated with this problern seerns t。be counselors' helping skills based on fonning and maintaining therapeuticrelationships with their clients. Helping relationships become to be demolished andcounseling service is not regarded as rnuch help when cultural differences betweencounselors and clients are not controlled. One way school counselors can activateschool counseling seπices is to irnprove rnulticultural counseling skills so they rnayestablish cooperative counseling relationships with students and help them get overtheir problemsIn order to identify a way to settle down culturally appropriate counselingapproaches for our society in the rnulticultural viewpoint, we rnust identify therneaning of cultural differences as resources of ineffective counseling, as well asways to apply the multi-cultural point of view about cultural differences to oursociety. Secondly, we need to search for effective counseling approaches such ascounselors' sensitivity, knowle명e, and skills to get over barriers of culturaldifferences in tenns of ernic, etic, cultural grid, expectancy and behavior, worldview,and cultural identity. Thirdly, we need to identify a way to improve counselors'abilities from the Triad Model of multicultural counseling training and education75다문화교육연구 제2권 ↑호Finally, it is suggested for an approach to activate school counseling services,developed from the viewpoint of multuculturalismlndividualisrn in the Western society stresses each person's ability to achieve his orher own life-goaL Each person leams the importance of individual ego-identityachievernent through socialization and education. The concept of autonorny in thefield of counseling in western society rneans clients' responsibilities for changes based。n the assurnption that problerns corne frorn the clients' internal rnind process so thatthe I-Thou relationship meaningful counseling relationship is emphasized. Healthypersonality is achieved by autonomous, independency, and self-directed goals. Culturaldifferences between Eastem and Westem societies becorne apparent frorn the point ofview of each person's cultural identity related with individualisrn and collectivisrnlndividualisrn is regarded as negative and r인ective, and collectivisrn and groupidentity are encouraged in the Eastem society. We need to accept and deal, therefore,with individualisrn as a value-systern of a cultural group in counseling so that we areable to modify the concept to our cultural values and life-styles of our clients[K,ι'Y wordsJ Multicultural counseling, Multuculturalism, Cultural identily

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