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Regulation for CB-IB Co-evolution ⁃ Establishing Sound Ownership and Governance Structure ⁃

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 은행법학회 수록지정보 : 은행법연구 / 4권 / 1호
저자명 : 김동환


"1. Introduction
(1) Background of the Study
(2) Object and Contents of the Study
2. Model
(1) Types of CB-IB Consolidation
(2) Basic Assumption
3. Pros and Cons of CI-IB Consolidation
(1) General CIB Case
(2) Complex CIB-1
(3) Complex CIB-2
(4) Remarks
4. Desirable Regulatory Scheme for CB-IB Co-evolution
(1) Basic Direction
(2) Detailed Schemes"

한국어 초록

"This paper studies the pros and cons of a consolidation of commercial banks (henceforth, CB) and investment banks (henceforth, IB), and the regulation scheme that would be desirable for a CB-IB co-evolution in the context of vertical or horizontal integration theory. The consolidation can contribute to expand market dominance or recoup losses among financial groups. But it may be abused as unfair assistances or tunneling methods, which might impair
the fairness and stability of the financial market. Conglomerates of CB and IB should be permitted only if they do not impair the efficiency, fairness, and stability of the financial market. If not, however, an arm's length rule should be applied to the conglomerated financial group, which requires CB and IB to separate. Financial authorities should also consider restricting/prohibiting consolidated tax returns and introducing a double derivative action system to reduce fictitious capital problems in complex consolidation cases which are
characterized by circular investment relationships."

영어 초록

"This paper studies the pros and cons of a consolidation of commercial banks (henceforth, CB) and investment banks (henceforth, IB), and the regulation scheme that would be desirable for a CB-IB co-evolution in the context of vertical or horizontal integration theory. The consolidation can contribute to expand market dominance or recoup losses among financial groups. But it may be abused as unfair assistances or tunneling methods, which might impairthe fairness and stability of the financial market. Conglomerates of CB and IB should be permitted only if they do not impair the efficiency, fairness, and stability of the financial market. If not, however, an arm's length rule should be applied to the conglomerated financial group, which requires CB and IB to separate. Financial authorities should also consider restricting/prohibiting consolidated tax returns and introducing a double derivative action system to reduce fictitious capital problems in complex consolidation cases which arecharacterized by circular investment relationships."

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Regulation for CB-IB Co-evolution ⁃ Establishing Sound Ownership and Governance Structure ⁃
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