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대학생 주거관의 시계열적 비교

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최종 저작일
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국주거학회 수록지정보 : 한국주거학회논문집 / 20권 / 4호
저자명 : 안옥희, 강혜경, 조영미


I. 서 론
II. 이론적 고찰
III. 연구 방법
IV. 결과 분석
V. 결 론

한국어 초록

본 연구에서는 미래주택의 주체적인 거주자가 될 대학생의 주거관에 대하여 시간의 흐름에 따른 변화에 주목하여 분석하였다. 즉 1998년과 2008년의 대학생의 주거관을 비교분석하여 10년간의 시간흐름에 따라서 대학생들의 주거관이 어떻게 변화하였는지를 파악함으로써 주거계획에 도움이 되는 자료를 얻고자 한다.

영어 초록

The demands of residents can be predicted by analyzing the housing viewpoint of residents. And also, the housing viewpoint can change according to various environmental changes, so it's important for us to understand the trend of change. Therefore, the housing viewpoints of university students who will be subjective residents of houses in future were analyzed by observing change due to trend of time. Target for this study is female university students in 20s. A portion of previously presented material (Korean Home Economics Association 37,1, 67-78) was used as data for 1998 and a questionnaire with 171 female university students was conducted on December 2008 for data for 2008. The following result was drawn from examination of change in the housing viewpoint due to trend of time by comparing the housingviewpoint of university students between 1998 and 2008. First, importance of <Function as a place for happiness and harmony of family> was decreased and importance of <Function as a place for health and rest of family> was increased in functions of residence. Second, regardless of the time passage, the most students thought <A house is a place forhappiness of family> and <A place for physical and mental rest> as their opinions on housing. And also, the most students considered a living room as the most important space inside of a house regardless of the time passage and the level of considering a living room as the most important space was more increased. Third, the level of consideration got higher with time in the selection of houses. <internal facilities>, <safety>, <lighting and ventilation>, <number of rooms>,<convenience facility>, <area of room> and <Security of private life> had higher level of consideration regardless of time passage. Items of which level of consideration increased with time are <safety>, <number of rooms>, <convenience facility>, <internal space>, <easy sales and purchase>, <reputation of village> and <investment prospect>, and items ofwhich level of consideration decreased are <exterior design> and <silence and secludedness>. Fourth, it can be understood that the level of satisfaction in housing got higher with time. And it can be said that <area of room>, <silence and secludedness>, <scenic green area>, <easy sales and purchase> and <investment prospect> were not increased in the level of satisfaction in housing compared with 10 years go. Fifth, regardless of time passage, the level of satisfaction in housing was lower than the level of consideration in the event of selection of houses. As <internal space>, <safety>, <exterior design> and <area of room> had lower levels of satisfaction in the event of selection of houses compared with the levels of consideration, they have higher possibility of dissatisfaction in housing.

참고 자료



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