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초등학교로부터 중학교 전환에 대한 학생, 학부모 및 교사들의 인식 연구

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
41페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 학습전략중재학회 수록지정보 : 학습전략중재연구 / 3권 / 2호
저자명 : 허승희, 이미숙


Ⅰ. 서 론
II. 연구방법
III. 연구 결과 및 해석
Ⅳ. 논 의
V. 요약 및 결론

한국어 초록

본 연구의 연구문제는 첫째, 초등학교에서 중학교로 진학하는 시기에 있는 학생과 학부모 및 교사들이 어떤 기대와 지각을 하고 있는가? 둘째, 초등학교에서 중학교로 진학하는 시기에 있는 학생, 학부모, 교사의 중학교로의 전환에 대한 인식에는 어떤 차이가 있는가? 등이었다. 이 연구문제를 검증하기 위하여 졸업을 앞둔 2월에 B광역시 4개의 초등학교 6학년을 대상으로 전환기 학생과 학부모, 교사가 어떤 기대와 지각을 하는 지 조사하였다. 이를 검증하기 위해 기대, 우려, 전환기 프로그램의 세 영역별 학업적, 사회적, 구성적 요소가 포함되도록 10문항씩 구성하여 Likert 척도로 2차 설문을 제작하여 연구대상이 중학교로 전환하였을 때 부모와 교사를 대상으로 조사하여 집단 간 차이 검증을 실시하였다. 이에 따른 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학생과 학부모, 교사는 중학교 공부 방법과 학교 규칙, 성적에 대하여 궁금해 하였다. 둘째 학생은 성적과 선후배관계와 공부 방법에 대해 우려하였으나 학부모와 교사는 친구사귀기를 제일 우려하였다. 셋째, 학생이 중학교 생활에 대해 기대하는 것은 행사활동과 친구 사귀기였으나 학부모와 교사는 신체적, 정신적 성장으로 인한 성숙이라고 응답했다. 넷째, 전환기 프로그램으로는 무엇보다 학생과 학부모, 교사 모두 학업적인 요구가 가장 높았다. 다섯째, 초등학교와 다른 수업방식과 다양한 과목, 등수평가 방식 등에 대해 학부모와 교사는 기대가 높았으나 학생은 학업적 기대가 낮았다. 한편, 전환기 프로그램에 대한 인식에 있어서는 세 집단 모두 학업적 전환기 프로그램에 대한 요구가 매우 높았다. 사회적 전환기 프로그램에 대해서 학생과 학부모는 그다지 필요하지 않다고 보았다.

영어 초록

The purpose of this study was to examine the outlook of students in a
transitional period between elementary and middle school, of parents and of
teachers on shifting from elementary school to middle school in an attempt to
lay the foundation for the development of programs geared toward facilitating
the adjustment of students in the transitional period. Two research questions
were posed in this study: What are the awareness and expectations of students
going on to middle school, parents and teachers? What are the differences
among students going on to middle school, parents and teachers in the way of
looking at the shifting? The subjects in this study were sixth-grade elementary
schoolers, parents and teachers from four different elementary schools in the city
of Busan. A survey was conducted to find out their expectations and perception
in February when the students were about to graduate from the elementary
schools. According to the results of earlier studies and the primary survey,
secondary questionnaire was prepared by employing Likert scale to cover their
expectations, their anxiety and the academic, social and structural factors of
transition programs with 10 items each to look for any possible differences
among the views of the three groups about shifting to middle school. And then
another survey was taken on middle school seventh graders, their parents and
teachers in April to see if there were any intergroup disparities.
The findings of the study were as follows: First, the students, parents and
teachers investigated were curious about how to study in middle school,
middle school regulations and academic achievement in middle school. Second,the students worried about their own academic standing, relationship with
upper and lower graders and how to study. But the parents and teachers were
most concerned about making friends, followed by academic standing,
relationship with teachers and relationship with upper and lower graders.
Third, the students expected most to participate in middle school events and
make friends, and the parents and teachers expected them to make a physical
and mental growth. Fourth, as for needs for a transition program, all the
students, parents and teachers asked for academic assistance the most. In terms
of intergroup comparison of expectations, worry and needs for transition
program, First, in expectations, the parents and teachers had a lot of
expectations for the teaching methods, new subjects and rating method of
middle school, but the students didn't have much academic expectations for
middle school education. All the three groups had lots of social expectations
for making new friends, relationship with upper graders and relationship with
teachers. The students and teachers considered it good to undergo some
favorable changes in middle school. For instance, they found it good to have a
school store where they could buy something they need. While the two groups
had little expectations for school regulations including rules for hair and school
uniform, the parents had a lot of expectations for school regulations. Second,
as for worry, all the three groups showed academic concern at shifting to
middle school, as they worried over increased subjects, increased school hours,
tasks, performance assessment, examinations and academic achievement. The
students and parents didn't show social concern at making friends, meeting
new teachers and possible injury from bad upper graders, whereas the teachers
were much apprehensive of those things. Third, like their expectations and
worry, all the three groups had lots of academic needs for transition programs.
The students and parents didn't feel the need for social transition programs,
but the teachers felt the necessity of social programs a lot. Programs that dealt
with dating or relationship with teachers were little considered necessary.
Although the teachers approved of the necessity of those kinds of programs,
there was no significant disparity among the three groups in the view of the
necessity of those programs.

참고 자료



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