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敎師의 資質과 敎員養成制度 類型과의 關係

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11페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 8권 / 1호
저자명 : 金憲奎


一. 問題
二. 硏究 方法
三. 硏究의 結果
四. 要約 및 結論

영어 초록

Ⅰ. Problems
In view of the fact that elementary school teachers in Korea had gone through several different training programs such as normal school (a three- year course at the level of senior high school), junior teachers’ college, and short-term training courses (2-4 months), the investigator raised the following four questions in an attempt to assess the effectiveness of these different training programs.
A. What are the differences In quality between teachers who graduated from the normal school and those who graduated from the junior teachers’ college?
B. What are the differences in quality between teachers who graduated from the normalschool and those who completed the short- term training course?
C. What are the differences in quality between teachers who graduated from the junior teachers’ college and those who completed the short-term training course?
D. How does the length of teaching experience affect the quality of teachers?

Ⅱ. Methods and Procedures
The subjects of the study were 74 teachers randomly selected from 13 elementary schools in 2 cities and 8 counties which were sampled by a stratifying method according to social, cultural and economic status in Kang Won Province.
The tool used in the study was the Teacher Quality Evaluation Scales developed by Dr. Yong Horn Park.
The procedures used were as follows:
A. Quality of teachers were evaluated by the vice-principals and senior research teachers 0 f respective elementary schools.
B. The evaluation was rated in five scales ranging from excellent to poor. The raw score was. obtained by averaging the sum of two original scores given by the vice-principal and senior research teacher, respectively,
C. t-Test was used to determine the significance of difference.

Ⅲ. Results
A. As a whole, quality of teachers graduated from the normal school was found to be better than those graduated from the junior teachers’ college at one percent level.
B. As a whole, quality of teachers graduated from the normal school was also found to be better than those who completed the shortterm training course at five percent level.
C. No. significant difference was found between the teachers graduated from the junior teachers’ college and those of short-term training background.
D. Teachers with longer teaching experience tend to gain higher marks than those with shorter experience, but the difference is not significant.

Ⅳ. Conclusions
From the above results, the followiing conclusions may be drawn.
A. Due to many factors responsible for determining the quality of teachers, a simple extension of teacher training period may not significantly contribute toward enhancing the teacher quality.
B. It seems that longer teaching experience is necessary but not sufficient to improve the quality of teachers. In view of the fact that teachers with longer teaching experience have attended more in-service training programs than those with shorter experience, it is suggested that the in-service training general has not accomplished its raising the quality of elementary school teachers.

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敎師의 資質과 敎員養成制度 類型과의 關係
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