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「선비」의 比較敎育 哲學的 解釋

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13페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 10권 / 2호
저자명 : 韓基彦


一. 敎育的 人間像의 問題
二. 선비

영어 초록

The purpose of this study is to examine the educational image of man for the second time, which is the main theme of my comparative study of the educational philosophies of Korea, China, and Japan. Nowadays, the new national image of man is required urgently to be created; Although we can find the ideal image of man in the past Korean history, that is, “Sunbi” (선비, the learned man consistant inideology and subjectivity). I am really interested in this paper in comparing the educational philosophical implications of “Sunbi” with those of “Kunja”(君子, moralist) of China, and those of “Samurai” (武士, warrior) of Japan.
In the first place, I wrote about the reasons of this study, and I dealt with the main theme, in which the spiritual climate and the ideal image of the Koreans formed in it were examined. The following are mentioned as the operational definitions of “Sunbi” in the Korean Dictionary:
1. Those who denied the Government positions given to them even with the high level of intellect, or scholar out of government service.
2. The courteous call of men, who have learning as well as virtue.
3. The expression which has the metaphorical meaning for the benign and good man.
From this, we can easily make an assumption that the ideal image of man in the contemporary Korea has more reference to the third definition “the expression which has the meta phorical meaning for the benign and good man” than to the first definition “those who denied the Government positions given to them even with the high level of intellect” and the “Yanban” (兩班) status (nobility class).
The Sunbi may be defined summarily as the man, who has learning as well as virtue, being an elgant writer, who has the ability to do with high culture but with modesty, and finally who has “Mutt” (멋, the essence and elegance, or the quality of most desirable or most ideal person) regardless of occupations.
As we think of “Sunbi”, two facts are found in the literary works of Park, Chi Won as “the Yangban Jon” (兩班傳, A Tale of Yangban) and “the Husaing Jon"(許生傳, A Tale of Husaing). In the former, the class characteristics of “Sunbi” and his simplicity in his daily life were dealt with, whereas in the latter the Sunbi was described as the man who has the excellent ability to transact economic affairs, ignoring the stereotyped conception of him commonly regarded by the people as the man of inability, so far as the economy is concerned. In a Tale of Yangban, a scene comes out, in which a rich man buys the Yangban status and he cannot but confess that it is impossible for him to behave as the real Yangban does. This fact clearly shows how strict his behavioral control was and how he made efforts to be an ideal image of man or maintain it. As to the moral education, Lee Ih referred to “establishing oneself” (立志) and “Jisin” (持身, taking care oneself) in his book "Kyokmong Yokyul"(擊蒙要訣, Some Remarks on Enlightnment). He enumerated the following three as the enterprises throughout life:
1. It is essential for the Sunbi to live with respect.
2. The Sunbi ought to inquire into truths and to be well versed in what goodness is.
3. He ought to do his best in doing.
It can be said that the ideal image of man Lee Ih thought was “Sung-in” (聖人, the moralist or the holy man). Therefore, we could underestand easily that “Sunbi” means “Sung-in”, and that “Sung-in” is synonymous with “Sunbi”. In fact, “Sunbi” was a man of morals.
a man of justice or a man of consistency in terms of emphasizing “the cultivation of morale”. Here is the reason why the “Sunbi” is the man with learng as well as virtue. Through the final examination of “Sunbi” from the aspect of modern philosophy of education, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. In the word “Sunbi”, there is no implication of social class as the Yangban (nobility of lineage).
2. The “Sunbi” is sure to be a man of high intelligence, but it is not synonymous with the word “elite”
3. He may well be called “a man of Mutt” (멋 있는 사람) who is the man of excellent ability as well as the man of morals. This type of man(a man of Mutt) may well be called “a man of historical consciousness” (歷史的意識人) or “a modern Sunbi” (現代的선비)
It is my plan to deal with “Kunja” of China and “Samurai” of Japan in the next journal to be published next year.

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「선비」의 比較敎育 哲學的 解釋
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