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栗谷 李珥의 敎育理念

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 12권 / 2호
저자명 : 韓基彦


Ⅰ. 序言
Ⅱ. 立志의 理念
Ⅲ. 明知의 理念
Ⅳ. 力行의 理念
Ⅴ. 結言

영어 초록

In this paper I have studied yulgoks educational idea as “ipchi”(立志, resolution), “myungchi”(明知, clear knowledge) “yuckheng”(力行, exertion), and then this may be called the educational philosophy of faithfulness, for he emphasized our best doing in everything and accounted much of “Zhung-yung”(「中庸」) in which faithfulness is a care thought. Under this premise, I intended to make the following eight articles cleer in this paper.
Firstly. yulgok had an accute eyes of history, Prominent ability and originality, and pedagogic knowledge, and looked after his juniors. In this point, yulgok and Toekei(退溪) were the brightest stars in the field of educational thought.
Secondly, as Eduars Spranger pointed out, studying the way of thinking of Pestalozzi, that it was related, in the view of expansion of living area, Lebenskreise, to Confucius space theory of “after moral training, home management, governing the nation and the world.”
In this point of training moral and governing man, yulgok's educational view was also related to it. That is to say, as we can understand through his works, yulgok's idea reached a stateman by enlarging its area from training himself, home education and school education to social education. But we can summarive his core thought of the human formation like such three ideas as resolution, clear knowledge exertion, and the educational philosophy of “Sung” (誠, faithfulness).
Thirdly, I thought yulgok's philosophy of core thought to be faithfulness; in other words, the philosophy of “Koongni-kokyung(窮理居敬, pursuing truth and pious life), for his consistent study was about this. But this was not only yulgok's philosophy but also the main current of 15,16 centuries in korea. And, to express yulgok's philosophy simply, seeing that in his suggestion of the theory of forming life -resolution, clear knowledge, exertion he contended continously to be faithful. In short, it was the educational philosophy of faithfulness. He emphasized the importance of faithfulness by saying in his “Sung Hak Zip yo”(「聖學輯要」) that the ideas of resolution, clear kenowledge and exertion could not be achieved without sincerity.
Fourthly, speaking of the idea of resolution, it was stressed through yulgok's life and made much account of in today's education in the function of guidance and still more, recently, it is regarded as one of the most important factors in lifelong education for one's continual development. In this case, it aims at reaching the state of the supreame good(止於至善) and everyone should be a saint who might be called a complete man and an elegant man, a saint(聖人) in this “purposing to be the saint” is a goal of human cultivation opened to all men regardless of social class and state, and ther his educational view of life is worthy of much notice as being on the premise of human equality.
I would like to say that his educational view of life was a humble and able man whether we see him through the achievement of his lifetime or works He, no doubt, was prominent from his childhood, but always never fail to keeps modest attiude. From this point of view he was a humble man who was to be a saint, and on this ground he is prasised as the Confucius of the East.
Fifthly, the idea of clear knowledge is a part of pursuing reason and as we know in “In sim Do-sim Sul”(人心道心說. on the human mind and the logos), he is in a stand point of “Ki Bal Ih Soong Chi”(氣發理乘之, the ethos motivated with the reason). He showed us rationality and stressed the importance of courtesy and disciplin centered curriculum. We can appreciate it is connection with current educational thoughts in which moral education has been accentuated for twenty years because of juvenile deliquency problems. as we can see in his national reading moral text like “Kyuck Mong yo Kyur”(「擊蒙要訣」) which to compare with “So Hak”(「小學」) used widely as the text since Kuongn's “Kuon Hak Sa Mok”(勸學事目, Recommending to read ‘Sohak’), yulgok could also attract our attentions on the ground of the fact that he showed us our identity in curriculum. Sixthly, the idea of exertion which can be expressed good deeds comprises “governing world relieving the people”(經世濟民) and we should pay our attentions to his thought of making the people comfortable, saying one world, presenting democracy and rightousness.
Human respect thought is placed the most emphasis on in democratic education and yulgok's concern was in governing world and relieving the people from the first to the end, and the fundamental spirit of “Hyang yak” (鄕約, the community regulation) which contains advising good deeds one another, regulating wrong deeds one another, exchanging manners one another, helping difficulties one another wan in this as well, In these paints, modern man who says sovereignty rests with people and development of welfare society learns much from yulgok.
Seventhly, as we can see his six stressing educational values in his idea, we can realize that the educational tradition of korea was expressed totally in his idea filial piety and loyalty about resolution, righteousness and manners about clear knowledge, industry and sincerity about exertion. Let us know the fact that the idea of filial piety conforms to the educational tradition, political thought, worship of education, worship of manners, the thought of thrift and the thought of human respect, to the educational tradition. In this wemay think that yulgok's educational idea is a miniature of korean educational tradition and a very important base-point to this study.
Last eighthly, when we think that yulgok's educational idea of resolution, clear knowledge exertion conforms to tradition, identity, reformation each; his idea can be regarded as saying the harmoniging of tradition and innovation as a theory of human formation. Especially we can understand his stressing reformation in the point of the fact that the social situation in the sixteenth century was in the middle of decline.
Today after four hundred years, yulgok's educational idea, we think, is giving us contineous suggestions as the educational wisdom of korea for the establishment of the new educational philosophy of korea.

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