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官僚的 學校組織에서의 專門志向 敎師의 葛藤

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14페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,300원 할인쿠폰받기

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발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 14권 / 3호
저자명 : 朱三煥


Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. 學校組織의 二重性
Ⅲ. 葛藤
Ⅳ. 要約 및 結論

영어 초록

In a school organization there are two different subsystems. One of these is best exemplified by the bureaucracy for school management: the other by professionalization for teaching pupils.
Large size and organizational complexity of the modern school tend to generate more bureaucratic tendency, because the-more complex the organization, the greater need for internal coordination which enhances the power of administrators whose primary internal function is coordination.
On the other hand, the growth of systematic knowledge in teaching and firm sense of responsibility of teaching pupils Support teachers’ aspiration to monopolize over certain aspects of teaching, which is the basis of professional image. Teachers are increasingly demanding greater professional autonomy and authority in the making of decision regarding instruction and curriculum and freedom from bureaucratic domination. Namely, there is other tendency of professionalization in school.
Between these two sets of tendencies there will be at lease the posibility of conflicts. That was the basic assumption underlying in present paper. The writer assumed that concurrent development of professionalization and bureaucracy in school would fertilize the soil for conficts between bureaucracy and professionally oriented teachers.

Under the assumption the writer studied theoretically school organization on both aspects of bureaucracy and professional, and then compared characteristics of those different subsystem of the school. From that Comparison the writer extracted the Sources of the conflicts. As the results, the sources of the conflicts extracted was as follows;
1) Conflicts arose from the disparity between bureaucratic administrators and professional teachers in the system of rights(auth Qrity),
2) in the system of deference,
3) and in the distribution of abilities.
4) Conflicts were due to the violation of role expectation.
5) Conflicts existed between. different characteristics of bureaucracy and professional organization.
6) Much tension could be attributed to the fact that non-professional administrators supervise and evaluate professional teachers who were more competent in their work instruction.
7) Conflicts arose because of displacement of goals of the school
8) and because of bureaupathology in school.
In short, the Sources of the conflicts came from between professional and bureaucratic principles of the school organization. In other words, individual needs of the professionally oriented teachers who demanded for autonomy, responsibility, flexibility, and exclusive monopoly of knowledge and skill, provked the conflicts with normative demands of bureaucratic school organization.
Excessive conflicts of the teachers were considered to affect to
1) performance, 2) turnover, 3) mental health, 4) interpersonal relations, 5) militancy and challenge, 6) and absenteeism of the teachers.

And then the writer concluded present paper by suggesting the alternatives of conflict resolutions.
1) The teaching professional and administrative functions ought to be operated separately, in that case the latter would become supporting system for the former.
2) Educational administrators ought to be trained through the college course for professional education as teachers.
3) Teachers’ socio-economic status and all other status ought to be treated and respected for similarly as school administrators’ level.
4) Bureaucratic authority and professional authority ought to be functioned in different areas and the former ought not to violate the latter.
5) Professional teachers ought to be evaluated and supervised not by hierachical administrators, but by professional colleagues.
6) Decision-making in school ought to be shared by teachers as far as instruction and curriculum.
7) The goals of the school organization ought to be given priority to instruction, not to administrative behavior or non-instructional chores.
8) Bureaupathology in school ought to be treated immediately.
9) Traditional leadership of bureaucratic administrators ought to be transformed into pattern reinforcing professional behavior of teachers.
10) First of all, teachers ought to do their best for teaching professionalization.
11) Last and in conclusion, teacher, teaching professional association, society and government ought to cooperate to achieve teaching professionalization and to reduce the excessive bureaucratization of school. Especially the write thought that the adrninistrators play a key role in resolving the conflicts.

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