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道德性 形成에 대한 認識論的 接近

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
18페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,700원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 21권 / 2호
저자명 : 韓明希


Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. 認識(知識, 앎)과 道德性의 關係
Ⅲ. 現代의 知識觀과 價値와의 關係
Ⅳ. 敎育現象속의 價値와 認識의 關係
Ⅴ. 道德性의 構成要因과 認識論的 接近
Ⅵ. 結論 : 認識論的 接近의 方向

영어 초록

The main purpose of this paper is to explain the epistemological aspect of value formation by analyzing the nature of the connection between knowledge and human values, thereby, drawing the educational attention to the importance of epistemological approach to value formation. In order to realize this goal, the study look the following steps to develop the arguments to the following questions.
First question was what the relation between human knowledge and his value is in general, assuming that there is a close relation between the way we know the world and the value formed by it. Here the circulatory relation between the knowing and valuing were explicated by analyzing both the influence of knowledge on value and that of value on knowledge. The analysis has revealed that the connection between knowledge and value can be reestablished only by means of a thorough transformation of our present conceptions of knowledge and knowing. It implies the necessity of expanding the modern concept of knowledge and knowing to include all the insight, imagination, intuition and human value at the heart of reason.
Second question was to exploring the value implications of modern trend in the concept of knowledge, i. e. the scientism. Prevalent in every sphere of modern knowledge. The scientism in knowledge and knowing, which has been so narrowly defined and representing a very restricted kind of knowing, have excluded the qualitative parts of knowledge such as intrinsic and normative value, purpose, global and existential meaning. These qualitative parts of knowledge are in essence, value components which constitute raw materials of morality.
Third question was on the specific implications of this scientism in knowledge for education. The nature of connection between the educational knowledge and its value implications was analyzed as similar to the general phenomenon of knowledge in our time. The analysis indicates the existence of value problems in the concept of knowledge in education, and a lack of consideration on the nature of knowledge and knowing in its value implications.
Since the preceeding analysis of the value implications of knowledge and knowing leads to the recognition of the significance of epistemological aspect of value formation, the fourth question was to explore the nature of epistemological approach to moral education, both as related to and distinct from other types of approaches, i. e., the cognitive, the non-cognitive and the aesthetic ones. In order to argue for the importance of epistemological concerns with the value education, the factors involved in the moral person was phenomenollogically analyzed and showed to be of cognitive nature in its broodest sense.
In conclusion, the comprehensive analysis of the connection between knowledge and value leads to the consideration of the specific problems of knowledge in education, which in turn implies the necessity of redirection of epistemological approach to moral education. There is a strong need for reestablishment of broader concept of knowledge in education and the necessity of a new outlook on the nature of knowledge in education so that the all the knowledge and knowing in school can be condusive to the desirable value formation and morality.

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道德性 形成에 대한 認識論的 接近
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