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道德敎育의 主題와 道德的 問題解決의 節次

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발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 27권 / 2호
저자명 : 南宮達華


Ⅰ. 도덕 교육의 주제
Ⅱ. 도덕적 문제 사태 해결의 절차
Ⅲ. 요약 및 맺음말

영어 초록

What is the subject matter of moral education, or what should it be if moral education is to be successful?
It is said that the bag of virtues, moral rules and principles, customs, etc. could be the subject matter of moral education. However, these are only secondary or parts of the components of moral education which could be treated in the moral instruction. It is difficult for anyone to expect a successful moral agent through the approaches baced upon mainly contents. It is because the contents of knowledge could be changed according to the ratio of the rapid change of modern societies, compared with the traditional one. It is required that the agent treat the problem solving procedures in the moral situation to be a successful moral agent in his or her life. It is therefore imperative in the moral education that the agent develop his or her capacities to solve the problem he confronts in the moral situation. Once he or she develops his or her capacities of moral problem solving according to the procedures, he or she can apply the procedures whatever the contents of the situation may be. For this reason, the central subject matter of moral education should be the moral situation.
The moral situation itself implies that we have to choose one of the alternatives among moral rules and act according to the choice. The choosing process of an alternative for moral action is the very process of moral thinking including moral judgment and justification baced upon moral reasoning. However it is not sufficient to be a sucessful moral agent with moral thinking only. There are generally four steps in the process of moral problem solving prcedures.
The first step of the procedures is that the agent has to be able to see whether the situation he or she meets in his or her daily life is a moral situation or not. The question is therefore as follows:what can or should be the criterion of moral situation in order for the agent to be able to distinguish the moral one from others? According to Jhon Wilson(1973), the criterion of a moral situation is ‘the interests of others’ that is, if a situation in which others’ interests are at stake, then it is a moral one(P.60).
The second step is that the agent should confront the situation. If he or she does not confront the situation, that is, if he or she avoids to confront the situation for such and such reasons, no further steps of the procedures can be proceeded. Confronting the situation, therefore, means that the agent is motivated to do moral action by dealing with the situation morally.
The third step is to choose the alternative for moral action among the moral rules. This step is the most improtant and essential part of the problem solving process. The main factor of this choossing process is moral reasoning. The moral reasoning is a process of moral thought. in which the agent tries to seek which alternative among moral rules has good or right reasons for him or her to do moral action. This reasoning results in a moral judgment, which can be chosen by the agent as a final alternative if there are no other negative factors to affect the already done moral judgment. There is another function the moral reasoning can do in this process. The moral judgment has to be justified by moral reasoning whether the judgment can satisfy the criteria of moral principles. The other factors in the third step to be considered for the moral choice are moral feelings and the particular context of the situations, even though they are rather nonmoral or less rational ones. The emotions and feelings, whether they are brought by the agent to the situation or stimulated by the situation itself, can affect the choosing alternative among moral rules even though a moral judgment has already been done by him or her. If the emotions and feelings affirmatively affect the moral judgment, the judgment can be led to a final alternative for moral action. But if they negatively affect the moral judgment, it cannot be a final moral choice. In the meantime, the particular context of the situation such as the time of the day, the place, the weather, or family circumstances can also affect the moral choice. Even though such factors as feelings and context are nonmoral or less ratinal ones, we should note that they affect the moral choice. However, it is desirable to choose the alternative by means of moral reasoning in the center.
The fourth step is the moral action itself. However, we can see that the act of choosing an alternative itself among the moral rules has already been started the moral action by the agent.
In order to help children become a successful moral agent, we should make the moral situation as a matter of moral education. The four steps of the moral problem solving procedures are the required components to be practiced by the morally educated person. The development of the ability of problem solving in the moral situation is the very task of moral education. In order to accomplish the task it is required that we deal with the procedure of moral problem solving in the moral situation rather than the content approach.

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