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Emile Durkheim 의 道德性 理論

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15페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 28권 / 2호
저자명 : 南宮達華


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 도덕성의 요소
Ⅲ. 결론

영어 초록

According to Durkheim, morality is a system of rules of conduct. Since the rules of conduct refer to moral rules, morality is a system of moral rules. ‘What is moral’ means, then to act according to the commands of moral rules. However. for an agent's act to be moral is required that it be satisfied with the three elements of morality:the spirit of discipline, attachment to social groups, and autonomy.
The spirit of discipline means to act moral rule regularly with respect for the authority of moral rules. This element demands the agent to obey as moral rules command. In order to be a moral agent, he comes to meet to restrict himself. Self-control is the necessary condition of morality.
However, it is not enough to satisfy only with the spirit of discipline to be a moral agent. His goal of conduct must be toward the interest of social groups to which he belongs. Any act which is directed toward the agent himslef or the others in the group cannot be regarded as moral act. The whole members of the group cannot be counted as the group itself. Society is different from the simple sum of its members. Society is an organism which has its own consiciousness and mentality, accordmg to Durkeim. In Durkheim, therefore, a moral act must be on behalf of the impersonal social group, not on the members of it as persons.
The spirit of discipline and attachment to social groups as the elements of morality are not two different things. They are simply two aspects of one reality, that is. society, Moral rules have been established by society, not by its members. Society has great power over the members of it. Society provides its members with mentality without which they cannot be called as human beings. In order to be a moral agent, therefore, he not only has to follow moral rules of his society, but he also has to act on behalf of the interest of his social groups.
There is the other element of morality, autonomy. It is not enough just to follow moral rules on behalf of society. Our moral sense do not tend to accept it as moral acts just to follow moral rule. The act should be brought with the agent's willingness, based upon his understanding of the moral rules as goodness, since they are represented with the society's systems of values. In order to do that, he must understand his society's moral rules intelligently. To follow moral rules with such understanding is no longer just to follow it blindly. He no longer feels to be limited. contained, or restircted in following the rules if he understands it. He now is autonomous even he follows the rules required by external being, society.
In Durkheim, what moral agent is as follows:He is a person who voluntarily follows his society's moral rules on behalf of his social groups.

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