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선수학습의 개선, 조직자 제시의 강화 및 완전학습 수업조건의 개별적 효과량과 종합적 효과량

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
19페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,800원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 32권 / 5호
저자명 : 김준웅


요 약
Ⅰ. 문제의 제기
Ⅱ. 연구의 방법
Ⅲ. 연구의 결과
Ⅳ. 논의 및 결론


한국어 초록

최근의 완전학습에 관한 연구동향은, 완전학습에다 변인들 각각을 가법적으로 적용시켜 2σ수준으로 효과량을 높이고자 하는데로 모아지고 있다.
본 연구는 실제 학교 학습상황에서, 학습과제 해결에 필수적 요인인 선수학습 변인과 새 학습과제에 대한 유의미 학습이 조장되도록 하는 조직자 변인을 완전학습과 결합시킨 결과,세 변인이 가법적으로 작용해서 각각의 개별 효과량보다 높은 1.68의 종합효과량(combined effect size)이 나타나는 것으로 검증되었다 따라서 본 연구는 완전학습 수업조건에다 변인들을 결합시켜 얻은 가법적인 종합효과량이 20수준에의 도달을 가능케 하는 접근방법임을 시사해 주었다.

영어 초록

The purpose of this study is to attempt to partially solve the 2-sigma problem by emphasizing the feedback-corrective procedure of mastery learning. This variable was studied in combination with enhanced student's prerequisite learning as well as with using organizers.
The dependent variables are learning outcome : cognitive achievement. The subject for this study was the arithmetic in the first semester of 5th grade. The sample for this study consisted of 235 fifth grade students. These students were randomly assigned to one of five arithmetic classes, each of which made use of different instructional condition.
These classes were as follows :
Class 1, or Group C. Used conventional methods of instruction. This class was the control group.
Class 2, or Group C+E. Used conventional instruction and enhancement of students' prerequiste learning prior to the instruction.
Class 3, or Group C+O. Used conventional instruction and a set of organizers as a supplement to the textbook.
Class 4, or Group ML. Used the feedback -corrective procedures of mastery learning.
Class 5, or Group ML+E+O. Used the feedback-corrective procedures of mastery learning, enhancement of students' prerequisite learning, and the same organizers as in group C+O.
The major findings of this study were as follows :
First, the use of organizers was found to have a positive effect on student summative achievement. The mean achievement level for students in group C+O on the final summative test was significantly higher than the mean level of achievement of the students in the control group, Group C, at the 0.05 level of significance.
In addition, the effect size of the use of organizers many times in the process of learning was larger than the effect size of the use advance organizer alone at the beginning of the learning task.
Second, the size of effect of the combined use of mastery learning, organizers, enhancement of prerequisite learning on achievement(1.68) was much larger than that of other settings(ML, 1.13; C+O, .73; C+E, .52)
This combined effect was larger than that of Avalos's study, which has been found to be about .85(Avalos, 1986), and also larger than the average effect of mastery learning on students' achievement in mathmatics, which has been found to be .89(Guskcy & Gates,l985)
This result suggests the possibility of additive effects of the three strategies on students' achievement when these strategies are used together.
An important consequence of these findings in relation to the 2- sigma problem is that organizers, enhancement of prerequisite learnings, and mastery learning added much to each other to improve students' achievement, when these strategies are used together
Although 1.68 is a very large effect size, the combined use of organizers, enhancement of prerequisite learning, and mastery learning seemed to provide a solution to the 2-sigma problem.
Third, the strongest relationship between measures of prior achievement and subsequent achievement was found in the conventional group, where the multiple correlation reached .92. The weakest relationship, on the other hand, was found under the ML + E +0 settings of this study, where the multiple correlation was .58.
In the intermediate settings, the multiple con elation was .65 for the mastery learning groups, 42 for the organizer groups, and .77 for the enhanced prerequisite learning settings.
These results show that the improved learning conditions provided to the students(groups ML+E+O, C+O, ML, C+E) reduce the predictive value of students' prior achievement on achievement over a series of learning task as well as on the summative achievement.

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