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자기조절력이 낮은 청소년들의 심리적 특성

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
19페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 전국대학교학생생활상담센터협의회 수록지정보 : 대학생활연구 / 19권 / 1호
저자명 : 최효숙


논의 및 결론

한국어 초록

본 연구의 목적은 자기조절력이 낮은 청소년들의 심리적 특성이 무엇인지 알아보고 청소년들을 상담함에 있어 보다 효율적인 도움을 주고자 하는 것이다. 이를 위해 00건강가정 지원센터에 상담 의뢰된 청소년들 중 뉴로 피드백 뇌파검사 결과 자기조절력 지수가 낮게 나온 청소년 8명을 연구 참여자로 선정하여 심층적인 면접을 통해 자료를 수집하였다. 이후 Colaizzi의 현상학적 연구 절차에 따라 질적 분석을 하였다. 자기조절력이 낮은 청소년들의 심리적 특성은 열등감으로 인해 문제를 회피하며 분노를 안은 채 살아가는 것으로 나타났으며 정서적인 면을 비롯하여 인지적 측면, 행동적 측면 그리고 관계적 측면까지 영향을 끼치고 있음을 연구 결과 알 수 있었다. 먼저 정서적 특성으로는 이중적인 감정과 내면의 불안 및 억울함과 복수심 그리고 섭섭함과 분노, 우울감이 많은데 이런 정서들이 복합적으로 얽히면서 부정적 정서를 더욱 강화 시키고 있었다. 인지적 특성으로는 부당한 폭력에 노출되는 경험을 통해 비합리적인 사고를 하게 되면서 학생이라는 신분보다는 돈에 더욱 큰 가치와 의미를 부여하는가 하면 주변인과 환경에 불신적 사고를 보이고 있었다. 행동적 특성으로는 주의가 산만하고 분노나 충동을 조절하지 못해 폭력적 행동을 보이는데 이처럼 분노로 인한 폭력성은 타인뿐만 아니라 자신에게까지 향하고 있었다. 마지막으로 관계적 특성으로는 불행한 어린 시절의 경험 및 진정한 공감과 수용을 경험하지 못하면서 친밀감 형성의 어려움으로 인해 관계를 선택적으로 단절하여 제한적인 대인관계를 형성하고 있음을 발견할 수 있었다. 이처럼 자기조절력이 낮은 청소년들의 심리적 특성은 정서나 사고 행동 및 관계패턴이 하나의 독립된 형태로 작용되지 않고 서로 맞물려 상호작용하고 있음을 나타내었다.

영어 초록

The purpose of this research is to effectively help to consult teenagers by examining their psychological characteristics who have low self-regulation. For this, this research has performed electroencephalography of neuro-feedback aimed at teenagers who requested consultation to a healthy family support center in Gyeonggi-do. As the result of the test, 8 teenagers of low self-regulation index as subjects have been interviewed in depth. Qualitative analysis has been performed according to the phenomenological study procedure of Colaizzi. The results of phenomenological study on psychological characteristics of teenagers having low self-regulation are as follows.
First, regarding their emotional features, subjects have ambivalent emotions and fear and anxiety in mind. Also, they feel revengeful suffering unfairness and feel deeply reproachful, disappointed and a lot depressed. Especially, teenagers of low self-regulation mainly have negative emotions such as anger and grudge. These negative feelings are not a main emotion but compositively combined with several ones, reinforcing their negative emotions.
Second, concerning the cognitive features, they turn out to not have the meaning as a student and distrust their surrounding environment and people and more value money rather than study. Also, as an irrational thought, they feel natural to use violence on their peers or juniors who made even petty mistakes like their being exposed to unjust violence due to their mistakes. This thought is enough to justify their own physical violence. In addition, this suggests that their thought of value for money rather than study intensifies irrational thoughts due to the flood tide of individualism and mammonism nowadays. On the one hand, not having a meaning as a student is reinforced from having negative images for a school and a student position and unreliable relationships with sparring peers or teachers.
Third, they behave in an impulsive manner depending on instant feeling and are easy to give up or commit misconduct. They also tend to be against authority and be violent when they lose their temper and feel enraged. This kind of anger and violence lean toward themselves and others and injure themselves. In addition, they are not aware of their own behaviors and distracted and careless. Fourth, regarding the relational features of subjects, they experienced an unfortunate childhood because of family discord. When they needed help |||they did not get appropriate help. Besides, they did not get enough support and love and form intimacy, not getting sympathy and acceptance. Therefore, they hate their family and break off their emotional relations with their family. These features make them sever relations selectively depending on their emotions and have restrictive personal relations.
In conclusion, the psychological characteristics of teenagers having low self-regulation indicate that emotions or thoughts and relation patterns do not work interact getting entangled each other, not acting separately. That is to say, subjects are living avoiding the problems under inferiority complex and feeling enraged, which influences their emotions and then this affects their thinking process making their behaviors expressed and the behaviors impact on relationship patterns.
The greatest significance of this study is to understand the psychological motivation and the background of thoughts behind their words and deeds when consulting teenagers of low self-regulation. Futhermore, counselors and teenager clients can establish close rapport so that it can help teenagers have a positive image in counseling and consultation improve qualitatively.

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