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Legal Frameworks to Promote Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities

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최종 저작일
12페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국장애아동인권학회 수록지정보 : 장애아동인권연구 / 4권 / 2호
저자명 : Allison deFranco


Ⅰ. The Right to Education
Ⅱ. Inclusive Education
Ⅲ. The benefits of inclusive education
Ⅳ. Transition to Inclusive Education

한국어 초록

Children with disabilities throughout the world are often marginalized and excluded frommainstream society. In many countries, children with disabilities are sent away to institutionswhere they receive no education and are isolated from society for their entire lives. In othercountries, children with disabilities are forced to attend separate schools instead of generalschools in the community with their peers. The vast barriers that children with disabilities facein accessing education in most societies has led to a low employment rate for persons withdisabilities and a disproportionally high rate of poverty. In 2011, the World Report on Disabilityindicated that some progress has been made in recent decades, but still predominantly foundthat “children and youth with disabilities are less likely to start school or attend school thanother children. They also have lower transition rates to higher levels of education.” TheConvention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) addresses these issues andspecifically outlines the right to education for persons with disabilities.In this presentation I will discuss the right to education in international law generally andthen review the CRPD’s inclusive education provision. Thereafter, I will address the benefits ofinclusive education. I will conclude by providing recommendations to States Parties to facilitatethe transition to an inclusive education system.

영어 초록

Children with disabilities throughout the world are often marginalized and excluded from
mainstream society. In many countries, children with disabilities are sent away to institutions
where they receive no education and are isolated from society for their entire lives. In other
countries, children with disabilities are forced to attend separate schools instead of general
schools in the community with their peers. The vast barriers that children with disabilities face
in accessing education in most societies has led to a low employment rate for persons with
disabilities and a disproportionally high rate of poverty. In 2011, the World Report on Disability
indicated that some progress has been made in recent decades, but still predominantly found
that “children and youth with disabilities are less likely to start school or attend school than
other children. They also have lower transition rates to higher levels of education.” The
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) addresses these issues and
specifically outlines the right to education for persons with disabilities.
In this presentation I will discuss the right to education in international law generally and
then review the CRPD’s inclusive education provision. Thereafter, I will address the benefits of
inclusive education. I will conclude by providing recommendations to States Parties to facilitate
the transition to an inclusive education system.

참고 자료



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Legal Frameworks to Promote Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities
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