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박물관 관리책임자의 전문성이 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한연구 - 자원의존모형을 중심으로 -

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
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발행기관 : 한국박물관학회 수록지정보 : 박물관학보
저자명 : 이충석


I. 서 론
Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰 및 기존문헌의 검토
1. 박물관 관리책임자의 역할과 전문성
2 경영성과와 성과의 측정방법
3. 자원의존모형에 의한 성과측정
Ⅲ. 연구설계 및 연구방법
2. 변수의개념과의의
3. 조사‘연구방법
Ⅳ. 실증분석의 결과 및 해석
2 분석결과
Ⅴ. 결 론

한국어 초록

우리나라의 박물관들은, 국민 문화수준의 횡탱과 관람수요계층의 다양한 요구로 인해 박물관의
기능이 점차 확대 · 다각화 · 전문화되어가고 있으며, 이는 내부적으로도 추가적인 재정수요를 불
러일으키고 있다. 더불어 정부 지원예산의 영세성과 사회경제부문의 불확실성 속에서 박물관은
만성적인 재정압박 상태를 벗어나지 못하고 있는 가운데 박물관으로 하여금 더욱 외부자원에 의
공공부문을 비롯하여 정부의 지원을 받는 비영리기관과 그리고 문화시설에까지 경영이 강조되
고 있는 전반적인 사회분위기 속에서, 박물관종사자들은 학술적인 전문성이나 경영 · 행정능력 못
지 않게 , 필요한 지원을 획득할 수 있는 다양한 능력과 수완을 요구받고 있다 이는 박물관에 있어
서도자원동원능력이 린L물관경영진의 핵심역량으로부각되기 시작했다는것을의미한다.
이것은 최근 들어 , 재원조성 , 이사회 및 위원회 제도, 자원봉사자의 활용, 수익사업의 전개 등이
박물관종사지들에게 주목받고 있다는 것으로 증명된다.

영어 초록

With a new trend that emphasizes management abilities even in government sponsored
nonprofit organizations and regional 따ts centers as well as public sectors, museum workers
are required to have diversified abilities and skills to acquire necess따y resources, as well as
acadernic specialities or managerial and adrninistrative capabilities.
It meant that resource mobilization ability (resource acquisition ability) became a core
ability of museum directorship, and they began to realize that the driving force of museum
management activation lied in resource mobilization ability. It is proven by the attention of
museum workers to Fundraising, Board of trustee and Comrnittees system, Volunteer system
and various kinds of profit-yielding systems.
In this context, the common interest of arts adrninistrators and researchers is to find out
factors of policy leverage to activate museum operations. In the Cultural SuperstructureFacility
Assessment Program in Korea, which has been performed by the Ministry of Culture
& Tourism Republic of Korea and Korea Cultural P이icy Institute (KCPI) since 1998, they
considered the recruitrnent of museum professionals a major issue in Museum management.
In other words, there should be museum professionals who can manage resources in present
contingencies and bad conditions.
In the 1998 report of the foresaid evaluation, it pointed out that the deficiency of
specialities in some Museum Directors were one of the suppressing factors that impede
activation of museums. It defined the speci따ity of museum directors in a restricted manner,
whether they have majored in museology in university, in other words, whether they had
opportunities to nurture acadernic grounding (whether they majored museology in University or upper), and tried to find the relationship with the measurement results of the museum
assessment program.
However, they did not discover differences at a statistically significant level, and
accommodated the opinions of existing museum specialists without modification, and
proposed a policy alternative that legislation regarding the qualifications of museum
directorship is needed.
As specified in the Cultura1 Superstructure-Facility Assessment Program in Korea , many
of the domestic museums do not have an academic foundation. Moreover, the directors did
not have the qua1ifications that can contribute to museum operation. Therefore, they were a
burden on museums, and caused conflicts in museum operations.
However, it is improper to evaluate the professiona1 abilities of the museum directors by a
single criteria, whether they had opportunity to have an academic grounding. Additiona11y, to
relate it not with the qualitative performing results of the museum but with measurement
results, which are near management status, can be a problem in research methodology.
To verify if the professional abilities of the director of a museum mak:e major a impact on
museum operations, different measured indexes from the conventional indexes used in the
Cultural Superstructure-Facility Assessment Program in Korea should be developed.
In other words, the professiona1 abilities of the museum director (cause variable) sha11 not
be limited to academic speciality, but shall be analyzed including knowledge, skill,
experience and capabilities.
The following study model was designed with independent variables such as a component
variable and measured variable of "Professional Ability(latent factor)" - career(period of
service), academic specia1ity, work capabilities in the field, resource mobilization abilities,
information management abilities and the number of double posts he/she has.
For Management Performance that will be a dependent variable, standards and methods of
performance measurement were reviewed and an operational definition was made. It was
defined that management performance would be identified as actua1 achievement in resource
acquisition and characteristics in acquisition process by managerial efforts of the director
himself/herself based on basic assumptions and main contents of the resource-dependency
On the other hand, controlled variables were classified as “ Environmental factors" ,
“ Organization Structure" , “ Organization Size" and “Organizational Characteristics", as museums have different conditions and environments. They were control1ed to verify the
cause and effect between independent variables and dependent variables.
If those two variables did not have a statistical1y significant relationship, it was analyzed to
discover what other factors than “ Professional Abilities" would make an impact on
management performance by measuring the relative effectiveness on dependent variables of
independent variables and controlled variables.
It was to survey and analyze empirical1y if the professional ability of directors of museums
will make an impact on management performance.
For the empirical survey, questionnaires were sent by mail. To exclude para-museums and
quasi-museums, only art museums/galleries and science museums were selected as su이ects.
In result of Analysis of Canonical Correlations, "Environmental factors" which contain
Diversification of board and comrnittee members' , ‘Degree of role of board and comrnittee
members' and 'The number of double posts that he/she has' show weak relationships such
as 0.356 and 0.314 of Canonical Coefficients (P<0.05) and other variables did not show
relationships with management performance. This analysis result was confmned again in the
Model Analysis using the Structural Equation Model (SEM).
However, the results cannot be accepted without controversy, as it is not usual to have a
board or a committee in museums in Korea, and the samples for this survey were not
sufficient to generalize the result. It can be understood that it is probable for a museum with
diversified and active board or comrnittee members to have high performance in resource
Second, T-test and One-way ANOVA were performed on the variables excluded from the
last analysis model because of reliability and validity, and the ones for which analysis of
variance wiU be more effective in the perspective of scale of measurement tools. However,
there were no significantly meaningful variables in the relationship with result variables.
Third, it is very important to specify what relationship there is between the measured
variable of 'the number of double posts that he/she has' and the latent factor of "Professional
ability" . Double posts in other organizations may be caused by his/her main occupation or
position but it can be from his/her professional abilities.
Therefore, it is proper to see that those two variables have a relationship although it was separated from "Professional Ability" in the analysis process (assesment of validity). In the model analysis result using the Structural Equation Model (SEM), it was analyzed that “ Professional ability" makes an impact on ‘the number of double posts' at a significant
level. (Standardized Regression Weight 0.35 in P< 0.05)
Fourth, based on foresaid results, “Professional Ability" becomes an antecedent variable
and it inf1uences on ‘the number of double posts' and then ‘the number of double posts'
makes impact on management performance.
In the final model, the model analysis result using the Structural Equation Model (SEM)
showed ‘the number of double posts' made an impact on management performance in the
Standardized Regression Weight of 0.31 within the significance level 0.05. The goodness-offit
of the model was proved as fair.
Therefore, it can be interpreted that actual resource acquisition in museums was to be
influenced by the number of double posts.
To summarize the research results, the profession외 ability of the museum director did not
inf1uence directly on management performance (resource acquisition achievement) but it
acted as an antecedent variable, and inf1uenced the number of double posts. And the number
of double posts of the director is one of the variables influencing management performance.
This research result cannot be generally accepted statistically because of the lirnited samples.
It can be accepted as a suggestion or implication.
Relating this to the content of the resource dependency model, which is the theoretical
background of this research, there may be other environmental factors, that we did not notice,
that have more impact on management performance than the role of the manager. In other
words, it is probable that statistical1y low responses were observed as museums are
inf1uenced by different member agencies and different environmental elements, influence and
explanatory power were distributed. Additional1y, it should be noted that management
behaviors, so to speak strategic constituencies, should be recognized, and whether they were
manipulated in favor of the organization, and the relevance and level of methods used for
resource mobilization rnight be more important.

참고 자료



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박물관 관리책임자의 전문성이 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한연구 - 자원의존모형을 중심으로 -
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