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미국박물관협회와 상임 교육위원회의 역할과 기능

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최종 저작일
12페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국박물관학회 수록지정보 : 박물관학보
저자명 : 조한희


Ⅰ. 서언
Ⅱ. 미국빅물관협회
1. 개요
2. 취지와회원
3. 목표
4. 프로그램강조
5. 검증과지원
6. 전문서적
7. 회원연락관
8. 전문가교육
9. 국제프로그램
10. 감독
11. 역사
Ⅲ. 미국박물관협회 (AAM) 내의 전문위원회와 자문기구
1. 자문기구
2. 상설전문위원회 (SPCs)
Ⅳ. 교육위원회 (Committee on Education, EdCom)
1. 교육위원회의 역할과 임무
2. 박물관교육의 최고경험과 기준
Ⅴ. 결론

한국어 초록

박물관의 활성화와방문객이 원하는박물관교육을위한선행 시장조사를하면서, 대부분의 많은
사람들이 우리나라의 훌륭한 문화와 역사에 대뼈 자긍심을 갖고 있지 못했으며, 또한 구체적으
로 어떠한 문화가 뛰어나고 무엇이 훌륭한 것인가에 대한 지식과 확신이 부족한 조사결과를 접하
게 되었다 우리국민의 문화에 대한 관심과 이해를 높여 우리문화에 대한 긍지를 일깨우고, 질 높
은 문화생활을 할 수 있도록 기여하기 위해서는 우리나라 박물관이 그 역할과 기능을 제대로 다할
때 가능해 질 수 있다고 믿는다
그러나지금과같은열악한정부지원과체계로서는쉽지 않을것이다 박물관의 대 변혁이 없이
는 질 높은 문화의 생활화는 쉽지 않을 것이며, 박물관의 활성화를 위한 제도적 뒷받침과 문화의
산실인 박물관이 그 역할과 기능을 발휘할 수 있도록 적극적인 정부의 지원과 박물관전문인들의
적극적인 연구와헌신이 절실히 요구되는때라고생각한다
이에 따라 일찍 미국박물관협회를 만들어 박물관의 사회 봉사 교육기관으로서의 책임을 강조했
던 미국의 사례를 연구하여 우리나라 박물관정책에 도움이 될 수 있기를 기대한다.

영어 초록

This paper attempts to study on versatile activities of Amεrican Association of Museums
(AAM) as well as Committee on Education (EdCom), which can give us good guidelines to work
for the museum communities and to cany out the educational role of museums. It is certain that
AAM assists museum staff, boards, and volunteers across the countηI to better serve the public
through advocacy, professional education, infol1nation exchange, accreditation, and guidance on
cl1nent professional standards of performance. AAM is the only organization representing the
entire scope of ml1seums and professionals and nonpaid staff who work for and with musemTIs.
FOl1nded in 1906, AAM is dedicated to promoting excellence within the museum community.
As the basic period of 2003, AAM holds more than 16,000 members, which include 11,500
individual museum professionals and volunteers, 3,100 institutions, and 1,700 corporate
members. Individual members span the range of occupations in museums, including directors,
curators, registrars, educators, exhibit designers, pubLic relations officers, development officers,
security managers, trl1stees, and volunteers. Among 3,100 institutional members, there are
different types of art, history, science, military and maritime, and youth ml1seums, as well as
aquariums, zoos, botanical gardens, arboretums, histOlic sites, and science and technology
AAM holds the following committees and councils:
AAM Standing Professional Committees (SPCs)
The American Association of Museums' 12 Standing Professional Committees represent
specific disciplines within the museum community.
AAM Council of Regional Associations (CRA)
The AAM Council of Region al Associations assists AAM and serves as a source of
information in policy deliberations that may have impact beyond AAM’s immediate membership.
AAM Professional Interest Committees and Councils (prcs)
AAM Professional lnterest Committees/Councils enable groups of individuals that share a
common interest or have a common need related to working in the museum field to develop
professional associaitons.
AAM Council of Affiliates (COA)
The AAM Council of Affiliates assists AAM and also serves as a source of information in
policy deliberations that may have impact beyond AAM’s immediate membership.
The United States National Committee of the International Council of Museums, AAM/ICOM
is housed within the American Association of Museums but maintains a separate board and
membership. Members access a full scope of international information and activities.
The American Association of Museums’ 12 Standing Professional Committees represent
specific disciplines within the museum community as following: Committee on Audience
Research and Evaluation (CARE), Committee on Museum Professional Training (COMPT) ,
Committee on Education (EdCom), The Curators’ Committee (CurCom), Development and
Membership Committee (DAM), Media and Technology Committee (MTC), Museum
Management Committee (MMC), National Association of Museum Exhibition (NAME), P.R.
and Marketing Committee (PRAM), Registrars Committee (RC-AAM), and Small Museum
Administrators' Committee (SMAC).
Especially, EdCom among AAM’s 12 Standing Professional Committees (SPCs) is constitllted
of museum educators and other museum professionals to advance the p따pose of museums as
places of learning, to serve as advocates for alldiences, and to promote professional standards and
excellence in the practice of museum education. EdCom focuses on three principal functions
accessibility, accountability and advocacy. The basic principles of museum education executed by
EdCom are excellence and equity. EdCom guides to carry out the educational role of museums,
of which the components of mllseum edllcation ar'e such as: audience, learning, scholarship,
interpretation, collaboration, decision, executive manager, volunteer, professional development
and leadership.

참고 자료



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미국박물관협회와 상임 교육위원회의 역할과 기능
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