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박물관 교육참가자의 교육적 경험에 대한 연구 -서울대박물관 ‘수요교양강좌’ 참가자를 중심으로-

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최종 저작일
32페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국박물관학회 수록지정보 : 박물관학보
저자명 : 최은미


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰
1. 박물관 교육
1) 박물관 교육 참가자
2) 박물관 교육의 개요와 구성주의적 고찰
3) 박물관 교육참가자의 교육적 경험
2. 이용과 충족이론
1) 이용과 충족이론
2) 이용과 충족 이론으로의 접근
Ⅲ. 연구설계 및 조사방법
1. 서울대박물관 '수요교양강좌’
2. 설문조사의 목적
3. 설문조사 대상 및 방법
Ⅳ. 연구결과
1. 이용형태, 이용통기, 만족도 분석
2. 박물관 교육적 경험의 분석적 틀로서 상호적 경험모텔
Ⅴ. 결론

한국어 초록

현대 사회에서 각계각층의 사람들이 다양한 관심과 홍미를 가지고, 여가 활동을 포함한 문화적
욕구를 충족시키기 위해 박물관을 찾는다. 박물관 역시 이러한 사회적 변화에 대응하기 위하여 부
대시설은물론기반시설을증축하고 새로운전시와다양한 활동을기획, 운영하고 있다.
최근 들어 박물관은 보다 성공적이고 효과적으로 대중에게 다7]-가는 활동을 제공하고자 관람객
연구에 새로운 관심을 보이고 있다. 박물관의 주체적 요소로의 관람객을 구체적으로 정의하고 세
분하고 있으며, 대상으로서의 그들이 박물관 경험을 통해 얻고자 하는 바를 이해하고 그들의 사
회. 문화적 욕구를충족시키기 위해 관심을갖고 연구를시작하고 있다.

영어 초록

This study was started with the investigator' s thinking that the museum education
overlooked the fact that the discussion on the evaluation aspect of museum education
program had been started in the midst of today' s museum education environment and in the
course of developing its theoretical debate, and therefore approach to the evaluation not as a
standpoint of a museum authority, namely a provider of education, but as a participant,
namely a recipient of education, could produce more substantial data.
The structure of this study was, frrst, centered on the p따ticipant of museum education by
recognizing them as the one who were interested in the education and by placing them in
the very rniddle of the education. Second, this study regarded the participant as the one who
wanted to get knowledge actively and subjectively, by introducing the viewpoint of
constructivism that had been well known to everyone in the field of pedagogy into this
study as a theory with which to understand the participant' s experience of museum
education, while examining the outline of museum education.
On the other hand, the reciprocal experiencing model by Falk & Dierking was applied to
this study as a theoretical frame of exarnining the museum education experience, and with
this theory, the investigator analyzed participants' personal, social, and physical motive of
use of museum education and satisfaction from it in relation to the pattem of use.
As a study method, the investigator approached to this study with the frame of “ the
message (the contents of education of the Seoul National University Museum) ? the
recipient (the participant in the education of the Seoul National University Museum) ? the
mediate variant (the Wednesday' s general education course of the Seoul National
University Museum) ? the effect (the participant' s education experience)" , and composed
a questionnaire by grafting 'the theory of uses and gratification' into the Falk & Dierking
s reciprocal experiencing model. The reason why the investigator used 'the theory of uses
and gratification' in this study was that after being effectively used in the study of media in
the past, it was in using as a useful theoretical prernise in analyzing recipients in the field of
social science. Before completing the questionnaire, the investigator examined other
questionnaires appeared in other studies on audience of which study method was a
questlOnnalre survey.
Study subjects were sampled from the participants in the Wednesday' s general education
course of the Seoul National University Museum, who had personal relations with the
investigator. Although the museum education program had p따ticul따ity, the response of its
participants showed the features of modern participants of museum education.
Study findings show that the Wednesday' s general education course of the Seoul
National University Museum has played the role of a life learning space and a social
education agency with the social and educational function that belongs to a museum, and
contributed to the learning community through the production and communication of
knowledge and information. 1n addition, its participants seemingly satisfy their museum
education experience 뻐d leisure activity desires simultaneously.
On the other hand, the questionnaire survey in which the Falk & Dierking’ s reciprocal
experiencing model was applied produced following conclusion:
1n the personal aspect, participants of museum education at all times or more than three
times in a month were more satisfied with its contents than those who taking p따t in the
course for the first time or ones a month. The former said that the course was beneficial,
and they had good memory of the course. When the participants had lots of knowledge on
the course in advance, their self-satisfaction was greater, they became to have interests in a
variety of themes upon completing the course, and they said that their life became abundant
and had new meaning. Therefore, judging the participants from the viewpoint of
constructivism, knowledge does not exist in the outside objectively but is defined by its
learner, being in the process of composing learning actively.
1n the social aspect, participants of museum education showed that there was no
recommendation from others in their initial participation of the course in general, they had
no intention to publicize the course in order to have any companions, and their participation
was not to extend their interpersonal networks.
1n the physical aspect, participants of museum education revealed that their participation
was not to feel pride in the Seoul National University Museum or for the museum to be
located near their homes, and they did not necessarily visit the museum whenever there
were planned or special exhibitions with interests in its exhibits.
Participants of museum education showed that they were interested in a variety of
museum courses in accordance with their tastes and concems. This fact suggests that those
who are interested in the museum education exist even in grown-ups and a museum must
extend its visitor base by planning various educational programs in order for it to play the
role of social and educational function.
On the other hand, the investigator examined whether or not the changes of participants
interest, concem, and attitude on the museum education could be an irnportant purpose and
result of the education, in addition to acquiring knowledge and information through
experience or learning from a museum. Study findings show that although the development
of knowledge and technology and the increase of meaning and appreciation have significant
influence upon the museum education, the changes of emotion and attitude, the
transformation of idea, and the experience of life changes have insignificant influence upon
it, and the extension of relationship has no influence.
Therefore, the planning of domestic museum education must consider its recipients,
namely p따ticipants , in its composition of educational programs, in order for the recipients
to satisfy their personal as well as social and physical desires through the experience of
museum education. The investigator hopes that many studies, such as this, are carried out
and accumulated in the future, in order for the museum education to approach to the desires
and satisfaction of participants with practical methods of evaluation, and to be exchanged
and extended among persons in charge of the education, by breaking from the conventional
theoretic discussion.

참고 자료



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박물관 교육참가자의 교육적 경험에 대한 연구 -서울대박물관 ‘수요교양강좌’ 참가자를 중심으로-
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