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박물관과 문화정체성

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국박물관학회 수록지정보 : 박물관학보
저자명 : 박윤옥


I. 들어가며
1. 정체성의 위기와 박물관
2. 박물관에서의 국가정체성
3. 세계화속에서
Ⅱ. 나가며

한국어 초록

21세기에 들어서면서 우리나라에서는 ‘한류’ 니 ‘동북아공정’ 이라는 말들이 개인이나 국가정체
성의 여러 요소들을 대표하는 표상들의 역할로 자주 매스콤을 장식하고 있다. 텔레비전 드라마를
봐도 ‘주몽’ , ‘대조영’ , ‘연개소문’ 등이 같은 시기에 여러 채널에서 중복 방영되고 있는 실정이
다. 이러한 드라마가 역사적 해석에 충실하게 기반을 둘 수도 있지만, 역사의 해석은 정부와 대중,
교육체계 , 박물관, 미디어 등을 통해서 계속 변하고 있다.2006년 국립중앙박물관에서 《북녘의 문
화유싼평양에서 온 국보들》이라는 제목 하에 북한에 있는 우리의 문화유산 90점을 소개하기도
했지만, 남북이 분단되어 있는 현실에서 박물관이나 전시로는 우리의 정체성을 통합적으로 볼 수
기회가 드문 형편이다. 이 글은 이러한 시기를 지나면서 한 나라, 한 민족공동체의 역사와 문화를
통해 정체성을 보여주는 박물관의 역할에 대해서 다시 한 번 생각해보고자 한다.

영어 초록

The following article is to explore the ideas of cultural identity in the museum context,
and describe how museums have come to terms with social and cultural changes and
advocated cultural identity, while responding to changing social and cultural conditions.
Museums can help people to define who they are and what matters to them in the
world, stirring individual consciousness and constructing their cultural identity. In other
words, museums should provide an enhanced opportunity for individua1s to perceive
themselves and the manner in which they interact socially and culturally. In effect,
museums not only portray cultural identity in the process of collecting objects , but also
build cultural identity in the operation of selecting, displaying and interpreting them.
Museums thus play an active role in shaping public understanding of individual and
collective identity through a variety of actions , including enabling participation by local
National museums, as central places for conceiving collective identity and national goals
through objects , have played a role as purveyors, being able to respond to the needs of a
nation and its culture. National museums promote a strong role for culture in political and
economic development. They are, as an essential and central part of the nation's cultural
wealth, also large tourist attractions: they are an economic asset of significant importance ,
attracting tourist revenues. More recently, as tourism has become a global phenomenon, museums are required to develop an international as well as national reputation.
generating revenue from overseas tourists.
Cultural identity is the primary mission and raison d tre of museums: its predominant
feature is the defence of identity and the continuity of identity. In order to offer protection.
museums should help people to get to know themselves. offer tools to enable them to
know their own history. overcome racial or ethnic complexes. and confront a cultural
penetration that may be foreign to them. In other words. in a multi cultural society.
museums have to be aware of the needs of minorities among the population. An equal
opportunity for every group is essential in order to express their cultures in genuine ways
which are meaningful to them while at the same time understandable to others. Museums
would be a potent social referenæ and a means to construct our own history and culture
in relation to others. This is arguably the greatest role that museums could undertake.

참고 자료



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