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X와 十의 象徵性 - 민속학 자료를 중심으로 -

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국박물관학회 수록지정보 : 박물관학보
저자명 : 이필영


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. X의 사례와 그 상징성
1. 가정신앙의 해물리기
2. 마을신앙의 해물림
3. 出喪과 문지방
Ⅲ. 十의 사례와 그 상징성
1. 민간요법
2. 가정신앙의 제물 차림
3. 꽃떡
4. 十字路〔네거리〕
Ⅳ. 맺음말

한국어 초록

민속학은 기본적으로 현재라는 시점에서 조사하여 수집된 전승 자료를 기초로 하여 연구된다.
이들 자료는 주로 행위, 사고, 언어 그리고 물질 등의 영역에 걸쳐있다. 그런데 이들 자료 중에는
간혹 시간과 공간을 초월하여 강한 橋賣l生과 普遍l生을 보이는 것들이 있다. 물론 지속성과 보편성
을 지닌다고 해도 그 자체 안에는 시간과 공간의 편차에 따른 변화나 차이는 당연히 전제된다. 그
러나넓은의미에서 쉽게 말하면시공을초월하여 어느정도의 공통성이 발견된다고할수있다.
민속학 연구의 과정에서 우연히 또는 의도적으로 주목하게 된 어떤 특정 자료가 처음에는 특정
지역에서만 전승되는 것으로 알고 있다가, 점차 주변으로 동일 자료에 대한 관심을 넓히면 더욱
광범한 지역에, 그리고 때로는 다소의 지역적 편차는 있지만 전국적 현상임을 알게 될 경우가 있
다. 또한 한국을 둘러 싼 인근 지역이나 더욱이 그 밖의 지역, 곧 세계적으로 관심을 확대하면 통
일 자료가세계의 많은지역에서 또는범세계적으로 분포하고 있음을확인하게 될 때도 있다.

영어 초록

This article attempts to interpret symbols of X and 十 which are immanent in
folkloric evidences. Symbolic codes of X and 十 appear in various folkloric evidences
in very loose and odd , the meaning and role of them also are not easy to be known
to us correctly because they exist as a part of themselves in the folkloric context or
as a part of themselves seems to be hidden.
Symbolic codes of X and 十 are being transmitted up to now. But the meaning of
them was missed or transmitted long time ago. Symbolic codes of X and 十 have
remained till today seem to be the last survivals after a number of them had
disappeared from the folk culture.
In this article , to trace the meaning of symbolic codes of X and 十, firstly the
related materials were extracted from various folkloric evidences. As folkloric
materials are being scattered as a particle are irregular, they are not able to make
out any meaning at the first time. Although the liminal materials accumulated to
somewhat quantity, the regulation of them might be able to appear, and to start to
reveal them in themselves if we observe carefully the inside of them. After all it is
focused on tracing and revealing the meaning of them in the context and in
themselves say.
As a result, I found out that symbolic codes of X and 十 are used in different
situation and also the facts as the purpose and the symbolic meaning of them are
somewhat different.
Symbolic code of X is broadly used in sending the demons or spirits of both house
belief and village belief. Herewith X plays the role of cutting off and prohibiting minor demons and evil spirits such as invisible harmful existences. Further X is
charged them with very strict compulsion. The knife striking down on the center of
cross point of X is confirmed with such meaning. Performing X on the doorsil when
moving a coffin in the funeral ceremony is perhaps established the meaning of
cutting off dead impurity. In this case, X is performed on the transitional point has
commonness such as the door between inside and outside of a room, the housedoor
between inside and outside of a house, entrance of village between inside and
outside of a village.
Symbolic code of 十 is broadly used in folk remedies, an offering sacrifices of house
belief, Baeng-i as performing for the purpose of perfect steamed rice cake, crossroads
and so on. 十 transfer superhuman power and ability to a thing or a phenomenon, or
gives divinity to it. Therefore it holds divinity to achieve people's wishes, to
transform unfortune into fortune, and incompleteness into completeness. I also
prevents of danger and uneasiness and protects from them. And further, it plays the
role of removing ill-fortune and driving out minor demons away. Supposed water
contacted with symbolic code of 十 it is not common and transforms it into sacred
water which holds the ability of cure. As 十 itself holds prestige to remove ill-fortune,
to drive out minor demons and evil spirits, for purposes of removing ill-fortune
and driving out minor demons and evil spirits, people offer sacrifices in the
shape of 十 made of rice-straw.

참고 자료



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