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한국 사회복지교육의 실태와 개선방향

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37페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 6,600원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국사회복지교육협의회 수록지정보 : 한국사회복지교육
저자명 : 정종화, 김욱진, 김제선, 김혜성, 박영란, 전석균


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 사회복지교육의 문제점에 대한 논의들
Ⅲ. 선행연구의 고찰
Ⅳ. 연구방법
Ⅴ. 연구 결과
Ⅳ. 결론 및 개선방향

한국어 초록

The aim of this study is to suggest improvement plans for the curriculum of social welfare
education through the investigation of present conditions of social welfare education in Korea
which was carried out by the survey of membership colleges of Korean Council on Social
Welfare Education(KCSWE) and field social workers. As a method of research, an interview
was done covering not only departments and 550 professors of 80 membership colleges of
KCSWE in the nation but also 2,302 field social workers, and the result was analyzed. The
result is good enough to suggest some points. First, the curriculum of social welfare
education needs revision to meet the demands of the times, and 51 credits of required
subjects, added 9 more credits than before, must be provided. Second, both professors and
social workers agreed on enhancing field practicum by extending the current 120 hours to
enhanced 160 hours or more and increasing the minimum credits to six. Third, both
professors and social workers agreed on the need for controlling the quality of social
workers in order to tackle the problem of over-supply of social workers and keep the
balance between demands and supplies. Therefore, the concerned social work educators and
administrators will have to make every effort to improve the social welfare education, which
includes various issues such as social welfare curriculum, social work field practicum and
social work licensure, in a way that best fits the interests of social workers in Korea, by
extensively investigating the similar cases from foreign countries.

영어 초록

The aim of this study is to suggest improvement plans for the curriculum of social welfareeducation through the investigation of present conditions of social welfare education in Koreawhich was carried out by the survey of membership colleges of Korean Council on SocialWelfare Education(KCSWE) and field social workers. As a method of research, an interviewwas done covering not only departments and 550 professors of 80 membership colleges ofKCSWE in the nation but also 2,302 field social workers, and the result was analyzed. Theresult is good enough to suggest some points. First, the curriculum of social welfareeducation needs revision to meet the demands of the times, and 51 credits of requiredsubjects, added 9 more credits than before, must be provided. Second, both professors andsocial workers agreed on enhancing field practicum by extending the current 120 hours toenhanced 160 hours or more and increasing the minimum credits to six. Third, bothprofessors and social workers agreed on the need for controlling the quality of socialworkers in order to tackle the problem of over-supply of social workers and keep thebalance between demands and supplies. Therefore, the concerned social work educators andadministrators will have to make every effort to improve the social welfare education, whichincludes various issues such as social welfare curriculum, social work field practicum andsocial work licensure, in a way that best fits the interests of social workers in Korea, byextensively investigating the similar cases from foreign countries.

참고 자료



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