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레이더 강우 자료를 이용한 도시유역의 유출 모의

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국습지학회 수록지정보 : 한국습지학회지 / 15권 / 3호
저자명 : 강나래, 노희성, 이종소, 임상훈, 김형수


1. 서 론
2. 레이더 강우의 보정과 도시 유출모형
3. 적용 및 토의
6. 결 론

한국어 초록

In recent, the rainfall is showing different properties in space and time but the ground rain gauge only can observe rainfall
at a point. This means the ground rain gauge has the limitations in spatial and temporal resolutions to measure rainfall and
so there is a need to utilize radar rainfall which can consider spatial distribution of rainfall This study tried to apply radar
rainfall for runoff simulation on an urban drainage system. The study area is Guro-gu, Seoul and we divided study area
into subbasins based on rain gauge network of AWS(Automatic Weather station). Then the radar rainfalls were adjusted
using rainfall data of rain gauge stations the areal rainfalls were obtained. The runoffs were simulated by using XP-SWMM
model in subbasins of an urban drainage system. As the results, the adjusted radar rainfalls were underestimated in the
range of 60 to 95% of rain gauge rainfalls and so the simulated runoffs from the adjusted radar and gauge rainfalls also
showed the differences. The runoff peak time from radar rainfall was occurred more fast than that from gauge rainfall.

영어 초록

In recent, the rainfall is showing different properties in space and time but the ground rain gauge only can observe rainfallat a point. This means the ground rain gauge has the limitations in spatial and temporal resolutions to measure rainfall andso there is a need to utilize radar rainfall which can consider spatial distribution of rainfall This study tried to apply radarrainfall for runoff simulation on an urban drainage system. The study area is Guro-gu, Seoul and we divided study areainto subbasins based on rain gauge network of AWS(Automatic Weather station). Then the radar rainfalls were adjustedusing rainfall data of rain gauge stations the areal rainfalls were obtained. The runoffs were simulated by using XP-SWMMmodel in subbasins of an urban drainage system. As the results, the adjusted radar rainfalls were underestimated in therange of 60 to 95% of rain gauge rainfalls and so the simulated runoffs from the adjusted radar and gauge rainfalls alsoshowed the differences. The runoff peak time from radar rainfall was occurred more fast than that from gauge rainfall.

참고 자료



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레이더 강우 자료를 이용한 도시유역의 유출 모의
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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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