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《三國遺事》의 讚 硏究

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28페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,700원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 동국사학회 수록지정보 : 동국사학 / 41권
저자명 : 金相鉉


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 讚의 作者
Ⅲ. 讚과 《삼국유사》의 體裁
Ⅳ. 讚과 一然의 佛敎史 認識

영어 초록

48eulogy, Chans, were written down in SamgukYusa by Il-Yyoun, the author. The eulogies are an expression of the writer's own sentiment in the form of Chinese poem after the author wrote the text. The eulogies have drawn attention early in the beginning since not only they are research material to understand the writer's deeper cogitation and depth of his literature but also playa great role in the SamgukYusa's structure. Most of the research conducted up to now were focused on literary side, a extremely few number of them were about historical value of the work. In this paper, I try to concentrate on ; examining the recent view related to the writer of the eulogies from a critical view, considering the meaning and the character of the eulogies in the structure of the book and Il- Youn' s cognition on Buddhist history through the eulogies.
It is hard to agree on claims that some of the eulogies in SamgukYusa were not written by Il-Youn but others. I reconfirmed that all of 48-eulogy are genuine articles written by Il-Youn, the writer of the book. General history was written along with Buddhist history in SamgukYusa. From the fact that most of the eulogies were concentrated on the Buddhist historical record after The Rise of Buddhism, it is right to say Il-Youn had interest on Buddhism. And I can also reconfirm that most prominent character of the eulogies is Buddhistic. The distinctive feature of the eulogies written by Il-youn in SamgukYusa is extolment for the good rather than criticism on history and is full of literary implication.
The eulogies which are verse accentuate the long text by makeing it possible to arrange, summarize and also touch readersat the same time.
Il-Youn showed great interest on acceptance and development of Buddhism and introduction of Buddhism to the East by the Monk Studying Abroad in China(求法僧). He also put great emphasis on Buddha-land Thoughtand the Buddhist role to defend the country. Il-Youn brought out charity by emphasizing the importance of ascetic pracrtice. There are some of the eulogies included the writer's Buddhistic view of life, and the writer regardlessly expressed the spirit of independence by using terms such as royal capital in SamgukYusa which he wrote in the period of intervention in the domestic affairs by Youn.

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《三國遺事》의 讚 硏究
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