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Analysis of Differences in Teachers' Perception on Educational Attributes and Effects of IPTV

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26페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육공학회 수록지정보 : Educational Technology International / 11권 / 1호
저자명 : Junghoon LEEM, Seri KIM, Seungyeon HAN, Eunmo SUNG


Research Method
Research Result
Discussion and Implications

한국어 초록

The purpose of this study was to identify differences in teachers perception on educational attributesand effectiveness of IPTV according to demographic factors. To investigate possibility of educationalapplication, the participants of the study were teachers selected from IPTV initiative schools inelementary and middle levels nationwide. 55 teachers participated from 22 IPTV model schoolsnationwide, which were 9 elementary schools, 6 middle schools, 7 high schools. As results ofresearch, there were some significant foundings. In terms of the perception on educational attributesof IPTV, there are explicit perceptional difference between “capital area teachers” and “the otherregional teachers”. However, there were no significant difference according to school level. Perceptionof male teachers were more positive than those of female teachers. Also, there were no significantdifference according to teaching experience. On the other hand, in terms of the perception oneducational effects of IPTV, we could conclude that teachers from metropolitan cities have morenegative perception on IPTV than teachers from other kinds of cities have. Regardless of schoollevels, teachers showed merely fair perception on effectiveness of IPTV. There was significantdifference between male teachers and female teachers in perception on educational effectiveness. Also,Results showed no significant differences according to teaching experiences. Future tasks for thedevelopment of IPTV strategies require specific need analysis of teachers and collaborative works ofpolicy makers, teachers, researchers, and IPTV service providers.

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Analysis of Differences in Teachers' Perception on Educational Attributes and Effects of IPTV
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