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19세기 『山史略抄』의 佛敎史 서술

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22페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,100원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 동국사학회 수록지정보 : 동국사학 / 45권
저자명 : 이종수


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 서지사항과 저자 문제
Ⅲ. 구성과 내용
Ⅳ. 불교사학사적 의의
Ⅴ. 맺음말

영어 초록

In the late 19th century, the Buddhist history book titled Sansayagcho was published for education of Buddhist priests. This book is about the history of Buddhism in India, China and Korea. The format of this book is distinct from the existing genre of Buddhist master biographies. The Sansayagcho reveals how the intellectual Buddhist priests of the time understood Buddhism. This study aims to investigate the author and date of publication of the Sansayagcho as well as analyze its format, contents and historical significance.
This study elucidates that the author is Seoldu-yuhyeong. Previously, there was no specific evidence which showed that Seoldu-yuhyeong published this book even though he has been widely believed to be the author. However, by examining the fact that the contents of Sansa-yugo and Gichulga-yeongi, which belong to the collection of Songgwang Temple, Seoldu-yuhyeong’s epitaph, we can admit that he is the author of Sansayagcho. This study also investigates the three existing manuscripts of Sansayagcho and deduces the first date of transcription.
The manuscripts from Songgwang Temple contain chronological records which reveal they were written in 1864, the 3rd year of Dongchi while another manuscript from Kyujanggak contains records which tellus it was written in 1863, the 2nd year of Dongchi, so that the date of the first transcription is 1863. But when one considers the fact that there were only three manuscripts of this book in existence, it is possible to see that this book was neither printed nor mass produced and was not widely read.
Sansayagcho is comprised of chapters concerning the history of Indian Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism and Korean Buddhism, as well as a chapter concerning the author’s view of Buddhism. This format distinguishes this book from the pre-modern Buddhist history books such as the biographies of Buddhist masters. But it is still not possible to define this book as a modern history book. It mixes pre-modern and modern modes of description. The author tried to discover the links between Indian Buddhism or Chinese Buddhism and the reality of Buddhism in the late Joseon Dynasty. Moreover, it deals with the author’s understanding of reality. The fact that he suggested the way of practicing the teachings of Buddha, gyeongjeolmun·wondonmun·yeombulmun·jigye·jobuljotab, helps us to understand the reality of Buddhism in the 19th century. From the information gathered in this study, it is possible to elucidate the historical meaning of Sansayagcho.

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19세기 『山史略抄』의 佛敎史 서술
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