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유치원과 초등학교 저학년의 미술교육 연계성에 관한 연구

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최종 저작일
23페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,200원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국조형교육학회 수록지정보 : 조형교육 / 12권
저자명 : 김용권


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 유치원과 초등학교 저학년의 미술교육 연계의 필요성
Ⅲ. 유치원과 초등학교 저학년의 미술교육 현황과 차이점
Ⅳ. 미술교육에 대한 교사 및 학부모의 이해화 관상도
Ⅴ. 유치원과 초등학교 저학년의 미술교육 연계를 위한 개선방향
Ⅵ. 결론

영어 초록

1. The purpose of this study
Modern society has brought aboat rapid social changes making progress miraculous civilization, but man has not applied to it in many fields of human society, and humanity has been lost with deep conflict, feelings of alienation and distraction causing from many adverse reactions of the modern society.
The educational world is continually making its efforus to recover humanity from this mechanical and material civilization and harmonite them with human society even if it is quite late. With the tendency of the above efforts many scholars tried to find the education to apply to modern variable society in a textbook on art. They recognize the importance of education, receiving it as the best method to develop humanity. Thus they are goiny to look for a new course with studing on the art education 2nd discussing it heartily.
Now, our art education is progressing very rapidly and educational facilities are increasing speedly as we are recognizing the importance of the art, But 2 think it is too insufficient to be ideal education in its content and its quality. Because a curriculum of the art in school is taught compulsively to students ignoring the nature to be suitable them like other subjure. I surely perceive the inevitability that we can not help administrating the standardized art subject, but we should take a serious view of the particularity in administ ration of the art subhect and come owt of the standardizetion and look for the efficient methoel for the development of studying. These are to improve the art education that will meet the demands of the times in quality.
All courses of the art education is important by age group, but 2 think the art education in a kindergarten and a primary school is the most important
We must have extensive interest in these infants. because most or character and mental ability is developed at this age.
We should place the focus on the intention to human education and the pursuit of the nature of the art and the education to raise the quality of living for the infants, to form ideal and progressive humanity and to train all-inclusive eye for life on the basis of variety and autonomy.
If we have the good art activity and the opportunity of the art education connecting a kindergarten with a lower classes of a primary school that is the first step of the public educational system the basic education that decides the success would be more positive and bking a lot of development
In fact, a kindergarten and lower classes of a primary school are progressive graces but the real situation of the art education is broken off in many fields.
There are little difficulties for connecting a kindergarten with a primary school in foreign nations, because infant's education is within the category of a primary school. In the case of Korea, even if we establish a Kindergarten as an annex to a primary school the natural connecting with them is still difficult.
Thus the object on this study is as follows:
We should make the art to be complementary education as wellas independent between a kindergarten and a primary school in the activity of expression with the art oweng to the extension of the opportunity and the demand of qualitative development in the art education.

참고 자료



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