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Effects of Mode and Rhythm on Working Memory as Measured by Sequential Digit Recall Performance

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13페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국음악치료학회 수록지정보 : 한국음악치료학회지 / 16권 / 1호
저자명 : Michael J. Silverman, Edward Todd Schwartzberg



한국어 초록

Empirical research is warranted to determine effective ways to utilize paired associate music tofacilitate recall and learning. The purpose of this study was to isolate and determine the effects ofmode and rhythm on working memory as measured by sequential digit recall performance.Participants were music majors (n = 30) and nonmusic majors (n = 30) at a large comprehensiveuniversity. Participants listened to six different treatment stimuli of monosyllabic digits paired with:(a) a major melody and rhythm, (b) a natural minor melody and rhythm, (c) a mixolydian melodyand rhythm, (d) a major melody without rhythm, (e) a natural minor melody without rhythm, and(f) a mixolydian melody without rhythm. Results indicated a significant interaction between modeand rhythm, demonstrating that rhythm facilitated recall most during the natural minor modecondition but not during the mixolydian mode condition. Analyses of estimated marginal meansindicated that participants were able to recall information paired with major modes best, followedby minor and mixolydian modes, respectively. Additionally, participants were able to recallinformation paired with melodies that contained a rhythmic component better than information pairedwith melodies without a rhythmic component. Although not significant, music majors tended toslightly outperform nonmusic majors. Consistent with previous research, participants were able torecall information in primacy and recency serial positions most accurately. From the results of thisstudy, memory and learning may be enhanced by pairing information with major melodies andrhythm. Limitations, implications for clinical practice, and suggestions for future research areprovided.

영어 초록

Empirical research is warranted to determine effective ways to utilize paired associate music to
facilitate recall and learning. The purpose of this study was to isolate and determine the effects of
mode and rhythm on working memory as measured by sequential digit recall performance.
Participants were music majors (n = 30) and nonmusic majors (n = 30) at a large comprehensive
university. Participants listened to six different treatment stimuli of monosyllabic digits paired with:
(a) a major melody and rhythm, (b) a natural minor melody and rhythm, (c) a mixolydian melody
and rhythm, (d) a major melody without rhythm, (e) a natural minor melody without rhythm, and
(f) a mixolydian melody without rhythm. Results indicated a significant interaction between mode
and rhythm, demonstrating that rhythm facilitated recall most during the natural minor mode
condition but not during the mixolydian mode condition. Analyses of estimated marginal means
indicated that participants were able to recall information paired with major modes best, followed
by minor and mixolydian modes, respectively. Additionally, participants were able to recall
information paired with melodies that contained a rhythmic component better than information paired
with melodies without a rhythmic component. Although not significant, music majors tended to
slightly outperform nonmusic majors. Consistent with previous research, participants were able to
recall information in primacy and recency serial positions most accurately. From the results of this
study, memory and learning may be enhanced by pairing information with major melodies and
rhythm. Limitations, implications for clinical practice, and suggestions for future research are

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Effects of Mode and Rhythm on Working Memory as Measured by Sequential Digit Recall Performance
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