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중국에서 향진기업 발전의 조건과 구조적 특징

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최종 저작일
37페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 6,600원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국중국문화학회 수록지정보 : 중국학논총
저자명 : 任盤碩


2.향진기업의 생성?발전의 제도적 기반
3.향진기업 발전의 역사적·사회적 조건
4.향진기업의 구조적 특징
5.맺는 말

한국어 초록

개혁개방 이후 중국경제 성장과정에서 적어도 1990년대 중반까지 경제
성장의 견인차 역할을 담당했던 부문은 향진기업(鄕鎭企業:Township
and Village Enterprises)이라는 특수한 생산조직이다. 향진기업은 일반
적으로 체제개혁기 중국 농촌지역에서 자연발생적으로 발흥한 집단소유
형태의 중소기업이라고 이해된다. 향진기업이 발전하던 시기 국유기업은
여러 개혁조치에도 불구하고 부실경영과 재정을 빨아들이는 블랙홀 역할 에서 벗어나지 못하고 있었고, 사기업은 아직 발전의 초보 단계에 머물
고 있었으며, 중국시장의 경쟁도 심화되지 않은 상황이었다. 이러한 환경
에서 향진기업은 집단소유라는 소유제적 특성에 힘입어 시장의 요구에
부응할 수 있었으며, 국내 소비재 시장을 공략하고 점차 해외 수출에도
눈을 돌렸다. 농촌지역에서 발흥한 향진기업은 농가소득 향상과 대규모
농촌 잉여 노동력의 급격한 도시 이동을 통제하는 시대적 역할을 하였

영어 초록

This paper analyze the conditions for the development of TVEs
and its structural characteristics until the mid-1990s. The purpose
of this paper is summarized in three points:First of all, Is TVEs’
development in rural China is spontaneous as the conventional
notion says?;Second, what is the institutional and historical
conditions for the development of TVEs? Third, what is the
structural features of TVEs?
TVEs could be developed on the basis specific institutional
conditions and historical and social environments of reform era
China. The rise and development of TVEs in rural China due to
institutional change like decisions or regulations framework
initiated by CCP and the relevant government ministries. In
addition, there are the development socialist land system, the
demolition of People's Commune system and expansion of
autonomy of farmers, huge agricultural country as a developing
countries, urban-rural separation institution etc. at the back of the
TVEs development. However the number of individual companies,
which did not exist by 1984, occupied an absolute weight in
numbers since 1984. Therefore it is difficult to say that the
development of TVEs was spontaneous. Then, the core difference
between TVEs and other kind enterprises in China is not in
spontaneity, kind of industry or ownership systems, but in rural
location and farmers ownership.
Structural features of TVEs is summarized thus. First, in terms
of industrial structure, the weight of industrial enterprises among
TVEs occupied the biggist portion from 1978 until the mid-1990s.
Second, the TVEs’ ownership structure in relatively complex.
Individual firms did not exist by when the Constitution recognized
the legal position of them in 1984. the number of Individual firms
expanded rapidly and became to the largest part of the TVEs in
early 1990s. Third, the average size of township enterprises was
very small. Average number of employees of 54% of the TVEs,
was only 3, especially average number of employees of the
private transport company's was 1.7.
It was hard for TVEs born in a special environment to adapt
the new market environment due to their structural specially-born
characteristic since the mid-1990s. During long recession and
restructuring process, most of the TVEs were selected since the
mid-1990s. However, TVEs, which could secure the competitive
advantage through innovation, evolved into the medium-strong
enterprises or conglomerate.

참고 자료



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