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재량활동 분석을 통한 환경교육 현황 조사 : 서울 소재 중학교를 중심으로

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
20페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,900원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 이화여자대학교 교과교육연구소 수록지정보 : 교과교육학연구 / 8권 / 3호
저자명 : 김영경, 최경희


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배정
Ⅲ. 연구방법 및 절차
Ⅳ. 연구 결과 및 논의
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언

한국어 초록

This study is to analyze the problems by grasping current status of environmental education in schools located in Seoul where environmental education is operated through discretionary activity.
First, schools which programmed environmental study through subject discretionary activity and offers it as an optional subject were only fifteen out of the whole 362 junior high schools located in Seoul. Even at schools with environmental education programme and offering it through creative discretionary activity, course apportion time was given only 17.1 hours in total during the three-year period.
Second, as for current teachers who are in charge of environmental study which is offered through the subject discretionary activity are either specialized in similar fields or assigned relatively few teaching hours per week. These teachers having only short-term training were in charge of management of the course. Or else, the course was taught by the teacher who are with few teaching hours per week and majored in rather irrelevant field. Cases of environmental education which is offered as a pan-subject learning through creative discretionary activity showed that the course, in most schools, was primarily managed by teachers with rather few teaching classes per week.
Third, this study's research found that the teaching contents of subject discretionary activity appeared in order of environmental issues and their countermeasures and followed by environmental conservation. Contents of creative discretionary activity were much about environment pollution and next to it was environment conservation and its measures, then
followed nature environment.
Fourth, teaching-learning methods for subject discretionary activity in many cases were using methods of learning utilizing lectures, media use, and discussion & debate. As for creative discretionary activity, teaching-learning methods were varied according to its given course hours. Schools with little apportion time were applying one time field trip whereas schools with much time available used lectures, debates & discussions, and media use in learning. These lecture-oriented methods show limitation for teaching-learning methods highly needs to center on experiential learning and practice.
Fifth, currently, in most schools, student evaluation for environmental study is conducted depending on student's individual report (84.6%), writing assignment (84.6%) or check list (53.8%). This evaluation relies on convenience exposing its own limitation in that it cannot conclude multiple assessment.
Sixth, current teachers in schools have been trained primarily to be specialized in each subject.

영어 초록

This study is to analyze the problems by grasping current status of environmental education in schools located in Seoul where environmental education is operated through discretionary activity. First, schools which programmed environmental study through subject discretionary activity and offers it as an optional subject were only fifteen out of the whole 362 junior high schools located in Seoul. Even at schools with environmental education programme and offering it through creative discretionary activity, course apportion time was given only 17.1 hours in total during the three-year period. Second, as for current teachers who are in charge of environmental study which is offered through the subject discretionary activity are either specialized in similar fields or assigned relatively few teaching hours per week. These teachers having only short-term training were in charge of management of the course. Or else, the course was taught by the teacher who are with few teaching hours per week and majored in rather irrelevant field. Cases of environmental education which is offered as a pan-subject learning through creative discretionary activity showed that the course, in most schools, was primarily managed by teachers with rather few teaching classes per week. Third, this study's research found that the teaching contents of subject discretionary activity appeared in order of environmental issues and their countermeasures and followed by environmental conservation. Contents of creative discretionary activity were much about environment pollution and next to it was environment conservation and its measures, thenfollowed nature environment. Fourth, teaching-learning methods for subject discretionary activity in many cases were using methods of learning utilizing lectures, media use, and discussion & debate. As for creative discretionary activity, teaching-learning methods were varied according to its given course hours. Schools with little apportion time were applying one time field trip whereas schools with much time available used lectures, debates & discussions, and media use in learning. These lecture-oriented methods show limitation for teaching-learning methods highly needs to center on experiential learning and practice. Fifth, currently, in most schools, student evaluation for environmental study is conducted depending on student's individual report (84.6%), writing assignment (84.6%) or check list (53.8%). This evaluation relies on convenience exposing its own limitation in that it cannot conclude multiple assessment. Sixth, current teachers in schools have been trained primarily to be specialized in each subject.

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재량활동 분석을 통한 환경교육 현황 조사 : 서울 소재 중학교를 중심으로
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2024년 07월 18일 목요일
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