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영재교육원 수료 학생에 대한 과학고등학교 정원 외 선발의 타당성 분석

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
24페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국영재학회 수록지정보 : 영재교육연구 / 14권 / 4호
저자명 : 전영석


I. 서론
II. 영재교육원 수료자 선발과정
III. 학업 성취도 분석
IV. 선호하는 과학 수업 형태 및 수업 환경 조사
V. 정의적 영역에 대한 분석
VI. 다른 전형과정을 통해 선발된 영재교육원 수료자의 성취도
VII. 사례 연구 - 한성과학고등학교 영재교육원 출신자의 진학 현황
VIII. 결 론

한국어 초록

We analyzed the validity of Science Highschool's selection process for the
students from Science Gifted Education Center in order to suggest the
direction of improvement. First of all, we invested the students'
achievement in Mathematics and Science. As a result, we found that the
students are not so good at mathematics and science through the selection
process for the students from Science Gifted Education Center. However
the difference is not statistically meaningful. On the contrary, The
achievement of the students from Science Gifted Education Center is above
average who were selected through the other course, e. g. the students
who acquired the recommendation of principal, winner of prize in Olympiad
of Mathematics or Science.
We didn't find any meaningful result in the investigation of Affective
Domain in Science. And then we found that the students prefer the
generous environment through the selection process for the students from
Science Gifted Education Center.
As a whole, the selection process for the students from Science Gifted
Education Center was not so satisfying. It should be reformed; we should
examine the students' portfolio on the activities in the Science Gifted
Education Center, and the entrance examination should include both
divergent and convergent problems to find out the students' creativity. And
the 3 dimensional process is also essential through the multiple steps.

영어 초록

We analyzed the validity of Science Highschool's selection process for thestudents from Science Gifted Education Center in order to suggest thedirection of improvement. First of all, we invested the students'achievement in Mathematics and Science. As a result, we found that thestudents are not so good at mathematics and science through the selectionprocess for the students from Science Gifted Education Center. Howeverthe difference is not statistically meaningful. On the contrary, Theachievement of the students from Science Gifted Education Center is aboveaverage who were selected through the other course, e. g. the studentswho acquired the recommendation of principal, winner of prize in Olympiadof Mathematics or Science.We didn't find any meaningful result in the investigation of AffectiveDomain in Science. And then we found that the students prefer thegenerous environment through the selection process for the students fromScience Gifted Education Center.As a whole, the selection process for the students from Science GiftedEducation Center was not so satisfying. It should be reformed; we shouldexamine the students' portfolio on the activities in the Science GiftedEducation Center, and the entrance examination should include bothdivergent and convergent problems to find out the students' creativity. Andthe 3 dimensional process is also essential through the multiple steps.

참고 자료



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영재교육원 수료 학생에 대한 과학고등학교 정원 외 선발의 타당성 분석
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2024년 07월 20일 토요일
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