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청각통합능력검사(Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale, MAIS)의 이해와 해석본 연구

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
26페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 5,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국청각언어재활학회 수록지정보 : 청능재활 / 10권 / 2호
저자명 : 김진숙, 김지민, 문형아, 박성혜, 박영덕, 배미란, 이미소, 이지연, 장선아, 장현숙, 허명진



영어 초록

The Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale (MAIS) has been developed to evaluate a child’s auditory skills in
meaningful and real-world situation by Robbins et al. in 1991. MAIS was composed with 10 items for a structured
interview assessing three main areas; 1) bonding to the device, 2) alerting to sound, and 3) the ability to derive
meaning from auditory phenomena. Since MAIS has been a world wide evaluation tool of the auditory behavior to
the cochlear implanted children for its validity and high reliability, more than 20 countries use this instrument with
their own interpreted versions. For this reason, the study meeting was organized in 2006 to produce a verified
interpretation of MAIS and IT-MAIS in Korean. In 2014, 12 aural and speech rehabilitation professionals
reconstituted after initial organizations and kept the author’s agreement for the interpretation. After initial interpretation
of the two bilingual (Korean and English) members, all the members gathered for appropriate interpretation with the following six principles. 1) Each item should be interpreted faithfully. 2) Instructions for administering the MAIS
should be translated liberally. 3) Certain words should follow the same rules such as ending of the sentence and
correct spelling. 4) Summary of the whole test result would be presented in front. 5) The main area of each item
would be presented upper-lefthand of each item. 6) Completed Korean MAIS, letter of agreement, evaluation
recording form would be shared by the members. Reverse interpretation and fine elaborating procedure was
underwent for verifying completed interpretation of MAIS. Conclusively, a verified Korean MAIS was presented. We
hope that this interpreted MAIS provoke decent investigations about auditory behavior of the hearing impaired
children in Korea and let the data be analyzed and compared internationally in the future and that their ability for
listening and speaking improve eventually with advanced aural and speech rehabilitation. Suggestions from colleagues
who are interested in MAIS and its interpretation and investigation are welcome for fine tuning and discussion.

참고 자료



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청각통합능력검사(Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale, MAIS)의 이해와 해석본 연구
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