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Comparing Learning Outcome of e-Learning with Faceto-Face Lecture of a Food Processing Technology Course in Korean Agricultural High School

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19페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 4,800원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육공학회 수록지정보 : Educational Technology International / 8권 / 2호
저자명 : Sung Youl PARK, Hyeon-ah LEE


E-learning contents and website
Discussions and conclusions

한국어 초록

This study identified the effectiveness of e-learning by comparing learning outcome inconventional face-to-face lecture with the selected e-learning methods. Two e-learningcontents (animation based and video based) were developed based on the rapid prototypingmodel and loaded onto the learning management system (LMS), which is http://www.enaged.co.kr. Fifty-four Korean agricultural high school students were randomlyassigned into three groups (face-to-face lecture, animation based e-learning, and video basede-learning group). The students of the e-learning group logged on the LMS in schoolcomputer lab and completed each e-learning. All students were required to take a pretestand posttest before and after learning under the direction of the subject teacher. A one-wayanalysis of covariance was administered to verify whether there was any difference betweenface-to-face lecture and e-learning in terms of students’ learning outcomes after controllingthe covariate variable, pretest score. According to the results, no differences betweenanimation based and video based e-learning as well as between face-to?face learning and elearningwere identified. Findings suggest that the use of well designed e-learning could beworthy even in agricultural education, which stresses hands-on experience and lab activitiesif e-learning was used appropriately in combination with conventional learning. Furtherresearch is also suggested, focusing on a preference of e-learning content type and itsrelationship with learning outcome.1

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Comparing Learning Outcome of e-Learning with Faceto-Face Lecture of a Food Processing Technology Course in Korean Agricultural High School
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