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중국 결혼이민여성 대상 상호문화교육 방안 -한국과 중국의 신화를 활용하여-

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
35페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 6,400원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국중국문화학회 수록지정보 : 중국학논총 / 48권
저자명 : 신승혜


I. 머리말
II. 중국 결혼이민여성을 위한 상호문화교육과 신화 활용의 의의
1. 중국 결혼이민여성들의 문화적응
2. 상호문화교육 제재로서 신화 활용의 의의
3. 신화 텍스트 분석
1) 한국의 신화
(1) 〈단군신화〉
(2) 〈주몽신화〉
2) 중국의 신화
(1) 〈여와신화〉
(2) 〈복희-여와신화〉
3) 각 신화 비교 분석
4) 신화에 나타나는 상호문화교육적 요소
III. 신화를 활용한 상호문화교육 방안
1. 교수·학습 방안 구성
2. 교수·학습 방안 적용 및 결과
1) 모국 문화 및 한국 문화의 특징 이해하기
2) 상호문화 이해하기
3) 상호문화소통 실천하기
IV. 맺는 말

한국어 초록

영어 초록

This research focuses on the study of intercultural educational
program for international marriage migrant women in South Korea,
especially the ones from China. Chinese marriage migrant women
have problems adapting to Korean society in terms of cultural
adaptation due to the existing cultural gap between Korean and
Chinese. In China, after the Cultural Revolution, the traditional
confucian values disappeared, while socialism prevailed quickly among
the society. On the other hand, in Korea, the traditional confucianism
and capitalism are still the dominant values. With such cultural gap
being rampant, Chinese female migrants are suffering from the
cultural conflicts in family relationship and various social contacts in
The Intercultural Education aims to develop one’s intercultural
competence so that a person can interact and communicate well with
people from different cultural backgrounds. In order to do so, the
research is designed to analyze a program that is based on
interculturalism which were applied to ten Chinese female migrants in
the research.
Korean and Chinese myths were utilized as materials to help the
students to foster intercultural understanding. The myths are valuable
materials for understanding the cultural features and by comparing the
myths of each nation, students are likewise to further develop
intercultural understanding which contributes to upbuild intercultural
With the provided program in the research, the results are as
follows; first, the students were able to recover self-esteem of their
own culture of motherland and were able to build positive attitude
towards Korean culture as well. Second, they developed an ability to understand both cultures while overcoming their own cultural conflicts.
Third, they accepted positive cultural features from both cultures which
eventually carried out a beneficial solutions that also contributed to the
cultural integration of Korean society. Thus the research clearly
managed to demonstrate potentiality of intercultural approach to
develop cultural educational program for the marriage migrant women
in Korea.

참고 자료



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중국 결혼이민여성 대상 상호문화교육 방안 -한국과 중국의 신화를 활용하여-
  • 레이어 팝업
  • 프레시홍 - 특가
  • 프레시홍 - 특가
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  • 레이어 팝업
  • 레이어 팝업
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