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Early Childhood Education Pre-Service Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Teaching Psychosocial Skills Across the Kindergarten Curriculum in Ghana

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 환태평양유아교육연구학회 수록지정보 : Asia-Pacific journal of research in early childhood education / 10권 / 1호
저자명 : George Kankam, Winston Kwame Abroampa


Results and Discussion
Implications for the Early Childhood Curriculum

한국어 초록

The study sought to assess Early Childhood Education Pre-service Teachers’ Pedagogical ContentKnowledge in Teaching Psychosocial skills across the kindergarten curriculum in Ghana. A mixedmethod approach was used. The study comprised 123 conveniently selected regular final year preserviceteachers pursuing a degree in early childhood education in a public university in Ghana, whohave completed their internship programme. Questionnaires were administered after which fivestudents were selected for a focused group discussion. Data were analysed using means, standarddeviation and narratives. The study showed that Pre-service teachers had enough knowledge inachieving two goals of the KG curriculum and were also more familiar with the use of fieldtrips anddemonstration. They also had enough knowledge in the use of observation and conversation amongothers. A thorough examination of the KG curriculum by pre-service teachers during pre and postinternship was recommended.

영어 초록

The study sought to assess Early Childhood Education Pre-service Teachers’ Pedagogical Content
Knowledge in Teaching Psychosocial skills across the kindergarten curriculum in Ghana. A mixed
method approach was used. The study comprised 123 conveniently selected regular final year preservice
teachers pursuing a degree in early childhood education in a public university in Ghana, who
have completed their internship programme. Questionnaires were administered after which five
students were selected for a focused group discussion. Data were analysed using means, standard
deviation and narratives. The study showed that Pre-service teachers had enough knowledge in
achieving two goals of the KG curriculum and were also more familiar with the use of fieldtrips and
demonstration. They also had enough knowledge in the use of observation and conversation among
others. A thorough examination of the KG curriculum by pre-service teachers during pre and post
internship was recommended.

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Early Childhood Education Pre-Service Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Teaching Psychosocial Skills Across the Kindergarten Curriculum in Ghana
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