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양돈산업에 있어서 유비쿼터스 환경에서 온도 및 하중 센서에 의한 자동 분만 알림 시스템 개발

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국동물번식학회 수록지정보 : Reproductive & developmental biology / 33권 / 3호
저자명 : 이장희, 백순화, 연승호


ABSTRACT 서론 재료 및 방법 분만 감지 USN 시스템 개발 온도 센서에 의한 분만 감지 하중 센서에 의한 분만 감지 분만 통보 시스템 Test Bed 구성 통신회선 구축 결과 및 고찰 현장적용 시험 결과 USN 기반 분만알림 시스템 구축 결과 인용문헌

영어 초록

This study tried to develop the system (device) that automatically notify a manager of condition just before and after farrowing to extend ubiquitous-based technology and to increase efficiency of delivery care and productivity by reducing human labor and time on standby when farrowing management is done in the difficult and hard working environment of farrowing such as night or holidays in field sand especially in pig industry. In this test, selected 10 gilts were executed timed artificial insemination and were set up each temperature sensor and load sensor to them 3 days before the estimated farrowing day and were observed the farrowing situation. This study was embodied the NESPOT-based (KT Corporation) monitoring system, the system to transmit data in real time by utilization of wireless LAN and the sensor module to apply the ubiquitous environment to them. And this study was observed the situation to automatically notify situations of 10 gilts that first bore just before and after farrowing. The result obtained the farrowing situations of them in real time by setup of the NESPOT-based monitoring system to check farrowing situation directly is as follow. The average time of the automatic notice about situation just before farrowing by the temperature sensor was 27.5 minutes before the beginning of farrowing (the expulsion time of a piglet). 6 of 8 pregnant gilts that first bore automatically were notified situations just before farrowing and the temperature sensors inserted into 2 ones before farrowing were omitted. (The automatic notice rate 75%) The average time of the automatic notice of situation just after farrowing by the load sensor was taken 46.5 minutes after the beginning of farrowing (the expulsion time of a first piglet). The average gestation period of 8 ones that first bore and were tested by the automatic notice of farrowing situation was 115.6 days. This result found that the automatic farrowing notice system by the temperature sensor is more efficient than the load sensor as the automatic farrowing alarm device and sanitary treatment and improvement of the omission rate were required.

참고 자료



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