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太谿穴刺針이 手冷症者의 手部溫度變化에 미치는 影響

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10페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국전통의학연구소 수록지정보 : 한국전통의학지 / 16권 / 1호
저자명 : 전수아, 정다운, 신문철, 윤동현, 김태호, 권오상, 이상훈

영어 초록

Objetive : The cold feeling disease is feeling a cold at normal temperature in specific part of body and it can be felt by oneself and the others. This disease let the person who has the disease take various inconvinience in daily life but they don't take any specific care and actucally there are not efficient care. In this study we took Tae-gye(KI3) which is one of the nine point that circulating energe to whole body(回陽九針穴) and observe the efficiency conpare with non acupoint Methord : We used infra-red thermometer to measure the temperature of hand and arm. Acupuncture is treated using Park-sharm device for double-blinding test. Temperature of PC8 is compared with LU4 for measure the coldness of hand. Results : Taking the temperature of Before-state, average temperature of PC8 is lower then LU4 at 0.3℃ degree. Right about acupuncturing, temperature of PC8 got lower at 0.238℃ degree comparing LU4 in treatment group and , got higher at 0.5℃ degree in control group, but both of them have no significance(p>0.05) During the acupuncturing, temperature of PC8 got higher at 0.388℃ degree then LU4 in treatment group and got higher at 0.975℃ degree in control group, but both of them have no significance(p>0.05). After remove the acupuncture, temperature of PC8 got lower at 0.013℃ degree then LU4 in treatment group and got higher at 0.713℃ degree in control group, but both of them have no significance(p>0.05). In control group, the differences of change are very intense for each grade and they had large standard deviation. In treatment group the differences are decreased gradually and they had small standard deviation(SD=0.424) compare with control group (SD=0.723) but there are no significant difference. Conclusion : The results suggested that KI3 can decrease the difference of temperature between PC8 and LU4, and reduce the coldness of hand. After this, study with more group is needed to verify the possibility.

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太谿穴刺針이 手冷症者의 手部溫度變化에 미치는 影響
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