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金匱要略ㆍ奔豚氣病脈證幷治第八·消渴小便利淋病脈證幷治第十三에 對한 硏究

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
44페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 9,600원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국전통의학연구소 수록지정보 : 한국전통의학지 / 17권 / 1호
저자명 : 이영섭, 송일곤, 이귀인, 김흔수, 김영필, 이상진, 이승열, 정헌영

영어 초록

In this chapter 8, I discuss a running piglet disease(奔豚氣病), its causes, symptoms and prescription. The name of the running piglet(奔豚) disease dates back to old times, and it is not clinically reported these days. The symptoms of the running piglet disease(奔豚氣病) is characterized by unberable pain in the lower abdomen, the chest and the throat, followed by complete disappearance of these symptoms with passage of time. In my view, the causes of the running piglet disease(奔豚氣病) can be divided into three categories: startle and panic, and the excessive fluid(水飮). In this chapter 13, I elaborate on three diseases: a wasting-thirst(消渴), a dribbling urination(小便不利),1)a strangury disease(淋病). I discuss these three diseases in one chapter because they share the same symptoms of thirst and abnormal urination and the symptoms occur mainly in the kidney(腎) and the urinary bladder(膀胱). A wasting-thirst(消渴) has the main symptoms of drinking water and eating food excessively as well as urinating a lot. A disease symptomized by thirst(消渴) is typically divided into upper wasting-thirst(上消), middle wasting-thirst(中消), and lower wasting-thirst(下消) by clinicians. Specifically, I discuss the mechanism of disease of upper wasting-thirst(上消) and lower wasting-thirst(下消), treatment principles of and prescriptions for upper wasting-thirst(上消) and lower wasting-thirst(下消), and pathology of middle wasting-thirst(中消) in this chapter. Based on the view that a dribbling urination(小便不利) is not a disease per se but a label for the symptom of short and insufficient urination, I discuss water amassment syndrome(蓄水證), yang bringtness disease pattern(陽明病), and a dribbling urination(小便不利) that is accompanied by various diseases. A strangury disease(淋病) has the main symptoms of insufficient and trickling urination that is often accompanied by pain perception. In this chapter, I discuss about stone strangury(石淋) in particular. These three diseases merit in-depth discussion since they are clinically observed with high frequency.

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金匱要略ㆍ奔豚氣病脈證幷治第八·消渴小便利淋病脈證幷治第十三에 對한 硏究
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