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돼지 난모세포의 체외 성숙 후 극체 방출 및 미방출란의 핵형과 배발달율

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국수정란이식학회 수록지정보 : Journal of Embryo Transfer / 21권 / 3호
저자명 : 김현종, 조상래, 최창용, 최선호, 한만희, 손동수, 김영근, 이승수, 류일선, 김인철, 김일화, 임경순

한국어 초록

본 연구에서 돼지 난포란에서 채취된 난모세포들을 체외 성숙 후 세포 손상이 없이 성숙 난모세포의 발생능을 알아낼 수 있는 마커로 극체의 방출이 효과적으로 활용될 수 있는지를 알아보았다. 난모세포를 48시간 성숙 배양 후 극체의 방출 유무를 검사하고, 핵염색하여 염색체의 형태를 검사하였다. 확인된 난모세포들을 시간 추가 배양한 후 7% ethanol로 활성화시키고 cytochalasin B에 5시간 노출 후 NCSU23 배양액으로 7일간 배양하였다. 극체

영어 초록

The objective of this study was carried out to examine the polar body extrusion of in vitro matured porcine follicular oocytes as a non-invasive marker of oocyte quality to know the developmental competence in advance. The porcine oocytes matured for 48 hours were examined the polar body extrusion and some parts were stained. The examined oocytes were matured for additional hours and activated with 7% ethanol and cultured in cytochalasin B for 5 hours for diploid formation. The treated oocytes were washed and cultured for 7 days. The polar body extrusion and degeneration rates were varied with and by repetition. The polar body extruded oocytes were shown the polar body chromosome and metaphase II plate by staining. However the non-extruded oocytes were shown expanded nucleus with 39.1%, premature chromosome condensation with 19.6%, metaphase I plate with 10.9 %, metaphase II with 13%, condensed chromatin with 6.5%, and absent nuclear material with 8.7%. The oocytes that were not examined for the polar body extrusion were cleaved 45.0%, and developed to blastocyst stage with 11.3%. In examined oocytes for polar body extrusion,. the polar body extruded oocytes were cleaved 94.2% and developed with 42.5%. This result suggests that discarding of the degenerating oocytes and oocytes that not extruded polar body will be effective for experiments of culturing effect in porcine embryos and embryo biotechnology.

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