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비영리조직 리더십을 통한 디아코니아 실천과 선교

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
29페이지/ 어도비 PDF
가격 6,900원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국선교신학회 수록지정보 : 선교신학 / 33권
저자명 : 홍진

영어 초록

With the assumption that Christian mission should be a holistic mission that includes responsible society and with a consideration that Diakonia should be re-recognized as the original mission of the church for the holistic mission, the aim of the present thesis is to explore a directionality as a means of implementing the social service for a ministry of the proper mission through leadership. In this research, an attempt was made first to review how Diakonia has been implemented as the mission of the church in history and examine the linkage between Diakonia and the mission, and its relation to social welfare through a bibliographical study. Lastly, an analysis of leadership in nonprofit organization was carried out to apply the findings to the leadership in a Christian social welfare institution that is to realize the Diakonia. In the harmony of Kerygma that is the basic mission of the church, Koinonia of love within Christ, and Diakonia, the Diakonia should be so constituted with the mission rather than just restricted activity area of the church and should also be properly defined. As such, Diakonia cannot be thought of separately from mission, which is befitting for the ministry of the present Korean church and social mission. As for social service itself, Korean Christian church has regarded it as one of the important missions of the church but acknowledging at the same that the past record cannot be regarded as satisfactory, thereby suggesting the importance and the necessity of forming Diakonia through an institution. If this can be implemented, it is expected that it will bestow a proper view of faith for Christians by forming proper Diakonia through a social welfare institution and bring about a change to proper mission as the mission of the church. However, at a time when powerful mission is required for participating in social welfare, a necessity for more professional approach has been emphasized. At this point in time, it seems that the time has come for Korean Christian church to re-establish Diakonia as the holistic mission and for Christian workers who are participating in social welfare work to think more in depth on the future tasks with a re-thinking of the past in an effort to reveal their love for God in a changing environment. Accordingly, as a practical and efficient means to implement the Diakonia as a community life while living the present era, our focus was placed on empowerment of leadership. And for the purpose, we have introduced the leadership method of nonprofit organizations that have been growing considerably for the past several years. The reason is, partly because we have discovered many common aspects in-between church organizations and nonprofit organizations. Especially, personnel management among operation methods presented us with factors that can be applied fruitfully to Christian social welfare institutions. Accumulated experiences and researches on nonprofit organization could present a directionality of change for many Christian social welfare institutions to construct and manage an organizational structure from existing welfare organization practices. In other words, the social welfare institutions that have religious identity could be of help in implementing Diakonia to local residents. This can be called Diakonia through mission or the holistic mission that is badly needed in the contemporary world. Therefore, in this thesis, certain measures have been presented that can be utilized as the basis for designing an organizational structure through which Diakonia could become more effective in implementation through Christian social welfare institutions.

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