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2008년 인도 오릿사 기독교인 박해와 향후 선교적 과제

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26페이지/ 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국선교신학회 수록지정보 : 선교신학 / 20권
저자명 : 진기영

영어 초록

In the end of August 2008, atrocities against Christians of Khandamal district of Orissa state in India occurred by Hindu mobs driven by Bajrang Dal, the youth wing of Hindu World Council: 59 people were killed, 18,000 were injured and 159 churches were damaged, along with 4,400 houses. Apparently, this communal violence was erupted from the antipathy of Hindu nationalists towards conversion movement of Christian missionaries. Yet, inwardly, the poor Khands tribe felt jealous of rich Panas tribe after being converted to Christianity. The Bajrang Dal attempted to take advantage of such communal tension for the political purpose of taking seats in the upcoming 2009 general election. Communal violence happens dime a dozen in India. Yet, recently, the target of Hindu nationalists was directed to Christians in the tribal areas of Orissa rather than to Muslims, previously the major enemy of Hindus. The reason was the steep increase of Christians in this district due to missionary activities. The leaders of Hindu nationalists were in the grip of fear and vented their anger over this issue. According to the ideology of Hindutva(Hinduness), Indian nation has to be necessarily a Hindu nation and the Hindus alone are the true sons of the soil. Moreover, the non-Hindus are a menace, the polluted to be purged, if they would not be assimilated to Hindu way of life. The feature of nationalism of K. Hedgewar of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was cultural nationalism which elevated India to the goddess of motherland. From the perspective of Hindutva, the conversion of Hindus to non-Hindu religion is an anti-national activity, thus, they should put it down by all possible means. Likewise, the communal ideology of the Hindu nationalism is exclusive, chronical, and subjected to violence. In this regional context, Christian missionaries should respect Hindu gods and goddesses and understand their faith and Hindu nationalism rather than villify them. In order to avoid unnecessary clash, it is recommendable for Christians to involve in inter-personal evangelism and establishing house churches rather than in building churches and institutions. Missionaries should encourage the local Christians to be financially independent so that Christianity can be presented as a genuine spiritual religion. Urban middle class Hindus should be the target of missionaries, moving from the previous lower strata of Hindu society.

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2008년 인도 오릿사 기독교인 박해와 향후 선교적 과제
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